CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 107 z 388

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 107 C S Design Size Article no.5 mm2 etc.5 mm2 etc. Set consisting small cable pilot (for coaxial cables, NYM 1. &RQWHQWV OHDGVSULQJVSUHÌWWHGZLWKFRXSOLQJSLHFHHQGSLHFHV 31-piece 240 190 6314 Winding spirals EFLEX Made from fourfold-rolled steel wire spirals, with solid steel end pieces, shafts, tensile strength 500 N 5 0040 10 0042 15 0044 20 0046 25 0048 30 0050 Steel winding rods with winding lugs, high-frequency welded, rod thickness 3.) 1 2188 Cable guiding heads for domestic connection cables Simply screw the cable end and push the cable directly into the short empty conduits (approx. 6114. m), no damage caused cables that have already been laid, deployment laborious underground cable laying systems required, made from solid aluminium for cables 2182 for cables from 2184 for cables from 2186 .5 mm, tensile strength 900 N 10 0004 15 0006 20 0008 25 0010 Cable pilot set Cable guiding heads for directly inserting many common cables into short empty conduit routes.5 mm2 - 1.5 0.5 mm2 - 2.) and large cable pilot (for cables NYM 2. 220 6114 End piece/lug for plastic rod 0065 Lead spring for plastic rod 0067 Coupling for plastic rod 0069 Crimping pliers set for plastic rods in PSC vario-240 component boxes, with crimping pliers CIMCO article no. Cable pulling aids Plastic winding rods 0DGHIURPVWUHWFKHGPRQRÌODPHQWZLWKVROLGVWHHOHQGSLHFHVDQGDGGLWLRQDOOHDGVSULQJDSSUR[PPLQOHQJWK cable lugs both ends, material mm, tensile strength 900 N 5 0052 10 0054 15 0056 20 0058 25 0060 30 0062 Crimping pliers for the repair plastic winding rod &RPSRXQGOHYHUDJHFULPSLQJSOLHUVZLWKDXWRPDWLFUDWFKHWPHFKDQLVPDQGVTXDUHSURÌOHFULPSLQJLQVHUWVIRUWKH repair CIMCO plastic winding rods with ø