CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
5 kg 1 2748 Cable drum spindle hoist For cable drums with maximum diameter 1600 mm, lifting height greater than 100 mm, capacity 4000 per SDLUFRQVWUXFWLRQKHLJKWRIPPËRRUVSDFH[PPZHLJKWNJ 1 2320 Hydraulic cable drum hoist With hand pump, three-fold height adjustment, for cable drums with maximum diameter 1600 mm, lifting height 100 mm, capacity 4000 per pair, overall height between 620 and 960 mm, ËRRUVSDFH[PPZHLJKWNJ 1 2322 Cable drum hoist Finely graduated height adjustment the axle bearing shells via notches, for cable drums with maximum diameter 1600 mm, lifting height mm, capacity 2000 per pair, overall height 900 mm, ËRRUVSDFH[PPZHLJKWNJ Design left 2323 Design right 2324 . With plastic rollers, without locking (unwinding brake) Pair 2698 $OXPLQLXPUROOHUVIRUZLWKD[OHVDQGVFUHZÌWWLQJV Pair 2704 With aluminium rollers and manual drum brake (unwinding brake) Pair 2706 With load-bearing capacity 1000 kg, for cable drums any width; aluminium body, with repositionable rollers.9 m, zero position via the reset toggle switch, rubberised aluminium measuring wheel, screw-off handle for mobile use on construction sites, the warehouse, workshop etc. result, the measuring tool becomes stationary facility for cutting to size standard cable drums.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 105 C S Design Size Article no. 2740) Rubberised aluminium measuring wheel 2744 Connection frame for hand-held cable length measuring tool 7KHKDQGKHOGFDEOHOHQJWKPHDVXULQJWRROLVÌ[HGWRWKH&,0&27URPPHOÌ[DQG7URPPHOÌ[FDEOH drum unroller using the connection frame., with holder shaft for stationary use combination with all CIMCO TROMMELFIX dispensing aids and the CIMCO connection frame, can also mounted the cable coil dispenser (CIMCO article no. 220 140 1000 Pair 2702 Hand-held cable length measuring tool Measuring device for fast and precise determination cable lengths, further area application for all types of cables and similar wound products measuring between and diameter, automatic cable size adjustment via leaf clamp, branded German counter with excellent measuring accuracy, measurement range from 9999. Can adjusted many positions both height and length and can also be swivelled via the lockable rollers, ensuring that can adapted all individual working and space situations, assembly completed within few seconds simply plugging together, ideal for all cable drum warehouses when comes wholesale and retail well construction sites, weight only 3. Aluminium runner :LWKDORDGEHDULQJFDSDFLW\RIXSWRNJIRUFDEOHGUXPVRIDQ\ZLGWKZLWKËDWORDGLQJUDPSDQGQRQVOLS rubber feet, variable bearer roller distance (250 mm, 330 mm, 410 mm)