CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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The set can assembled YHU\TXLFNO\DQGFDQDOVREHXWLOLVHGDVDUHWURÌWVHWIRUROGHU&,0&2FDEOHGUXPXQUROOHUV 1 2754 Dispenser for disposable cable drums For cable drums with max. . drum width: 530 mm, load-bearing capacity up 200 kg, weight: 9.7 kg 120 600 635 2750 TROMMELFIX 200 ULTRA /LJKWZHLJKWGHVLJQZLWKDZHLJKWVDYLQJRINJ0DGHRISRZGHUFRDWHGVWHHOVKHHWËDWORDGLQJUDPS integrated drum guide the bearer rollers, convenient winding and unwinding cable drums thanks the new drum brake (unwinding brake) the front drum axle, max. Set consisting of: screw-on castors which can swivelled, with locking brake); hand rod assembly that can plugged together for pushing and pulling even loaded cable drum unroller including holder for hand-held cable length measuring tool CIMCO article no. diameter 800 and maximum weight 200 kg, particularly advantageous when dealing with damaged cable drums, ideally suitable for the simple winding, unwinding and re-winding small cable and wire cross-sections thanks second upper axle. The hand-held cable length measuring tool can mounted onto the cable coil dispenser without any problems whatsoever. Collapsible and therefore more convenient and provides space-saving transportation the C S Design Size Article no. Cable spooling and unwinding devices Cable coil dispenser 0DQXIDFWXUHGIURPSRZGHUFRDWHGVWHHOWXELQJIRUZLQGLQJJRRGVVXFKDVDOOW\SHVRIFDEOHVDVZHOODVËH[LEOHHPSW\ conduits, for horizontal and vertical winding and unwinding cable coils with minimum inner diameter 110 mm and maximum outer diameter 300 mm, quickly adjustable different coil diameters thanks self-locking guides, complete with anti-slip rubber feet, carrying handle and quick winding crank handle, load-bearing capacity kg H mm 570 460 400 2740 Cable drum unroller TROMMELFIX Extremely robust cable drum unroller made from powder-coated steel sheet complete with carrying handle and IRXUKHLJKWDGMXVWDEOHDQWLVOLSUXEEHUIHHWËDWORDGLQJUDPSZLWKWZREHDUHUUROOHUVDQGODWHUDOGUXPJXLGHV TROMMELFIX 200 Maximum load-bearing capacity 200 kg, maximum drum diameter 700 mm, maximum drum width 530 mm, bearer roller distance can varied desired simply re-hanging the rollers (200, 300 and 400 mm), weight 15.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 104 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. Push the measuring WRRODQGÌ[ZLWKD hexagon socket screw. 2742) are used the cable coil dispenser. 2750). Simply pull off the plastic handle on the cable coil dispenser. Dispenser basic unit 980 800 200 2730 Second upper axle 2732 Product video TROMMELFIX 200 ULTRA The simultaneous unwinding and pulling of multiple conductors is made easier multiple limitation discs (CIMCO article no. 2745; stable loading ramp made from grooved steel sheet, which prevents the slipping heavy drums, complete with anti-slip rubber feet and carrying handle; screw-on holders for the connection cable drum unroller and hand rod assembly; installation instructions.4 kg 70 580 660 2756 TROMMELFIX 700 Load-bearing capacity 700 kg, maximum drum diameter 1000 mm, maximum drum width 730 mm, bearer roller distance can varied desired simply re-hanging the rollers (200, 300, 400 and 500 mm), weight kg 160 750 780 2752 Transport set for cable drum unroller TROMMELFIX 200 Useful addition for mobile use the cable drum unroller 200 (CIMCO article no