CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 T F RO C D 365 T X Crimping shapes for cable connections Non-insulated crimping cable lugs ULQJIRUNDQGSLQVKDSHG Cross section Article no. Application areas: 0.1 185 mm2 Notching For notching tubular cable lugs and connectors. page mm2 0.1 4204 Notch crimp 268 6 185 1867 Hexagonal crimping 269 6 300 1868 Hexagonal crimping 269 6 185 5698 Hexagonal crimping 272 6 300 5701 Hexagonal crimping 272 10 400 5702 Hexagonal crimping 272 10 400 5704 Hexagonal crimping 273 Hexagonal crimping For crimping tubular cable lugs and connectors, compression cable lugs and connectors DIN 46235/DIN 46267, Al compression cable lugs and connectors. page mm2 10 1867 Indent crimp 269 10 1868 Indent crimp 269 10 5698 Indent crimp 272 10 5701 Indent crimp 272 16 150 5702 Indent crimp 272 16 150 5704 Indent crimp 273 Round crimp inserts Cross section Article no.5 6112 Oval crimp 264 0. Crimp shape Cat. Application areas: 1000 mm2 Oval crimp For crimping insulated tubular cable lugs and connectors, insulated pin- shape cable lugs and insulated cable connectors. page mm2 1.5 6134 Indent crimp 268 0. Application areas: 0. Application areas: 400 mm2 Indent crimp For crimping tubular cable lugs and connectors “standard design”.75 400 mm2 Trapezoid crimp For crimping wire end ferrules and twin wire end ferrules. Application areas: 0. Application areas: mm2 Square crimp For crimping wire end ferrules and twin wire end ferrules. Crimp shape Cat.5 1909 Indent crimp 268 10 6146 Indent crimp 268 0. page mm2 10 185 1867 Indent crimp 269 10 240 1868 Indent crimp 269 10 185 5698 Indent crimp 272 10 240 5701 Indent crimp 272 10 300 5702 Indent crimp 272 10 300 5704 Indent crimp 273 . page mm2 6 1883 Hexagonal crimping 269 16 1886 Hexagonal crimping 269 25 150 1888 Hexagonal crimping 269 6 185 1867 Hexagonal crimping 269 6 300 1868 Hexagonal crimping 269 6 185 5698 Hexagonal crimping 272 6 300 5701 Hexagonal crimping 272 10 300 5702 Hexagonal crimping 272 10 300 5704 Hexagonal crimping 273 Tubular cable lugs for ÌQHO\VWUDQGHGFRQGXFWRUV Cross section Article no.14 mm2 Roll crimp For crimping non-insulated blade terminal connections.1 4204 Notch crimp 268 10 1867 Indent crimp 269 10 1868 Indent crimp 269 10 5698 Indent crimp 272 10 5701 Indent crimp 272 16 150 5702 Indent crimp 272 16 150 5704 Indent crimp 273 Tubular cable lugs and connectors “standard design” Cross section Article no.14 185 mm2 Indent crimp For crimping wire end ferrules and twin wire end ferrules.75 1902 Indent crimp 269 6 1870 Notch crimp 269 50 120 1872 Notch crimp 269 120 240 1874 Notch crimp 269 6 1882 Hexagonal crimping 269 10 120 1880 Hexagonal crimping 269 16 1884 Hexagonal crimping 269 25 150 1885 Hexagonal crimping 269 0. Application areas: 0.5 6000 Indent crimp 262 0.1 mm2 Round crimp For sector-shaped conductors 90° and 120° Application areas: 300 sm, 35 300 se Compression cable lugs and connectors according DIN 46235 DIN 46267 Cross section Article no. Crimp shape Cat. Crimp shape Cat. Application areas: 0. Crimp shape Cat