CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 364 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
5 6120 Trapezoid crimp 266 16 6140 Trapezoid crimp 266 25 6142 Trapezoid crimp 267 0.5 4196 Square crimp 267 10 1867 Trapezoid crimp 269 10 240 1868 Trapezoid crimp 269 10 5698 Trapezoid crimp 272 10 240 5701 Trapezoid crimp 272 16 240 5702 Trapezoid crimp 272 16 240 5704 Trapezoid crimp 273 Tool recommendation table Non-insulated blade terminal connectors, DIN 46244 ff, 2. Complete contact protection 6 Protection against powerful water spray rough seas 7 Protection against water immersion under pressure and time conditions 8 Protection against water when the equipment is constantly submerged Wire end ferrules Cross section Article no.5 1907 Indent crimp 266 0.5 6000 Roll crimp 262 0.5 mm 3 Protection against spraying water angle of 60° vertical 4 Protection against ingress solid particles with a diameter greater than mm 4 Protection against spraying water from all directions 5 Protection against dust (dust-protected).5 1945 Square crimp 266 10 4200 Trapezoid crimp 267 50 4202 Trapezoid crimp 267 0.5 2.5 6112 Oval crimp 263 0. Complete contact protection 5 Protection against spraying water (jets) from all directions 6 Protection against ingress dust (dust-tight).14 1940 Square crimp 266 0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 FL IN AL WE 364 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco.25 4208 Roll crimp 268 AL compression cable lugs and connectors Cross section Article no.5 0720 Trapezoid crimp 267 0.5 4206 Oval crimp 268 0. page mm2 0.14 4190 Trapezoid crimp 267 6 4192 Trapezoid crimp 267 0.5 6144 Oval crimp, asymmetric 268 0.08 1920 Square crimp 266 0.3 tab width Cross section Article no.25 2. Crimp shape Cat..5 1892 Oval crimp 267 0.5 6112 Oval crimp 263 10 1918 Oval crimp 268 0.5 6000 Trapezoid crimp 262 0.5 6112 Roll crimp 263 0..5 mm 2 Protection against vertically dripping water, equipment tipped 15° 3 Protection against ingress solid particles with a diameter greater than 2.5 1906 Indent crimp 266 1.5 1904 Indent crimp 266 10 1905 Indent crimp 266 0.8 T X Protection classes IP. page mm2 0.5 4208 Roll crimp 267 Insulated connection materials Cross section Article no.5 6000 Oval crimp, symmetric 262 0.08 4194 Square crimp 267 2.5 1911 Trapezoid crimp 266 0.5 0725 Trapezoid crimp 267 0.5 2. Crimp shape Cat. Crimp shape Cat.5 6136 Roll crimp 263 0.8 4. page mm2 10 185 1867 Hex crimp 269 10 240 1868 Hex crimp 269 10 185 5698 Hex crimp 272 10 240 5701 Hex crimp 272 16 300 5702 Hex crimp 272 16 300 5704 Hex crimp 273 .5 2. Crimp shape Cat. page mm2 0.5 1916 Oval crimp, symmetric 268 0. First digit Degree protection: Protection against contact and foreign bodies foreign body protection Second digit Degree protection: protection against water X special protection special protection 1 Protection against ingress solid particles with a diameter greater than mm 1 Protection against vertically dripping water 2 Protection against ingress solid particles with a diameter greater than 12