CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 352 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
5 6/5 1.700 4668 1 two-component casting resin set can pack including stirrer, gloves and instructions Type Fill quantities Fill quantities Resin Hardener PUR 160-200 0. Lined with hot melt adhesive, thus giving excellent protection against water and damp.5 200 4060 1.5 0.350 4664 $90' 2.225 4660 $90' 2.5 200 4062 6 16/5 450 100 4064 6 450 100 4066 16 550 150 4068 50 150 150 650 200 4070 .615 4662 $90' Cast resin joints Cast resin joint QRQËDPPDEOHDFFRUGLQJWR9'(3DUW The joint body consists transparent, thermoplastic material and result extremely resistant chemical DQGPHFKDQLFDOLQËXHQFHV7KHSRO\XUHWKDQHIRDPVHDOVDUHKLJKO\UHOLDEOHSUHYHQWLQJWKHHVFDSHRIUHVLQEHIRUH it has cured. Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco.400 345 cm3 1 4682 PUR 160-615 0. For the long-term connection plastic cables laid the ground and also cable trays the open air.500 4666 $90' 150 4. Type Conductor cross section mm2 Fill quantities Clearance Branch Resin/Hardener $90' 1.352 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C S Design Article no. The casting resin according VDE 0291 Part 2 3RO\XUHWKDQHFDVWLQJUHVLQLVDQXQÌOOHGORZYLVFRVLW\HODVWLFFXULQJWZRFRPSRQHQWV\VWHP Technical data: • Can stored for months • Store dry rooms between and +50 °C • Curing within hours • Temperature resistant between –25 and +120 the cured state • Resin and hardener can disposed domestic waste 1 cast resin joint sets including joint casing and pack casting resin cans consisting joint casing, including polyurethane casting resin and hardener, one pair disposable gloves, one spatula, two foam seals and abrasive paper.225 172 cm3 1 4680 PUR 160-400 0.615 528 cm3 1 4770 Shrink-on coupling sleeves Shrink-on coupling sleeves for compression connectors or screw connectors 1kV thick-walled electrical shrink-on sleeves (heat shrinking) with outstanding mechanical strength, chemical resistance and electrical properties.5 0.5 1. 5HVLVWDQWWRHQYLURQPHQWDOLQËXHQFHVHJ89UD\VR]RQHR[\JHQDFLGVDONDOLQHHDUWKV Type Conductor cross section Cable Hose in mm2 ø length mm 1.5 6/3 1