CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 347 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
black 0250 All weather high performance electrical insulation tape Description: 39&ÌOPFRDWHGRQRQHVLGHZLWKQRQFRUURVLYHSUHVVXUHVHQVLWLYHUXEEHUDGKHVLYH Special features: Excellent resistance and working properties, even low temperatures (down -20°C), ËDPHUHWDUGDQWVHOIH[WLQJXLVKLQJ89DQGZHDWKHUUHVLVWDQW$SSURYHGDFFRUGLQJWR(17\SH Typical areas use: Insulating- and repair tasks indoors and outdoors, particular for outdoor use extreme weather conditions, DERYHDOODWORZWHPSHUDWXUHVDQGJUHDWËXFWXDWLRQVLQWHPSHUDWXUHVHDOLQJDQGMRLQLQJRIPHGLXPYROWDJHFDEOHV insulation and sealing cold-storage rooms, general thermal insulation.25 mm, for heavy duty use silver 0280 Tape thickness 0.347 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C S Design Width Length Article no. Insulating tapes for phase marking Description: 39&ÌOPFRDWHGRQRQHVLGHZLWKQRQFRUURVLYHSUHVVXUHVHQVLWLYHUXEEHUDGKHVLYH Special features: Black with white print L1, and L3, blue with white print N. Typical areas use: $VDQH[WHUQDOZUDSIRUDGGLWLRQDOSURWHFWLRQDJDLQVWZHDUGXHWRDEUDVLRQZHDWKHULQËXHQFHVDQGFRUURVLRQ thereby extending the service life and reducing frequent maintenance work.44 mm, for particularly heavy duty use black 0282 . black 0260 black 0262 Corrosion protection tapes Description: Particularly strong PVC membrane, coated one side with non-corrosive, aggressive adhesive Special features: Heavy duty PVC adhesive tapes with high abrasion resistance, and water-resistant (including salt water), resistant alkaline solutions and many acids and micro-organisms, bitumen compatible.g. Tape thickness 0. cable wrapping engines and bodywork areas, wrapping cable harnesses for motor vehicles, washing machines, dishwashers, for general thermal insulation, for bundling and for reinforcing mechanical protection. black, 0201 black, 0202 black, 0203 blue, 0204 Set, 4-pieces, L1, L2, L3, 0205 High performance electrical insulation tape for high temperatures, VDE Description: 39&ÌOPFRDWHGRQRQHVLGHZLWKQRQFRUURVLYHSUHVVXUHVHQVLWLYHUXEEHUDGKHVLYH Special features: ([FHOOHQWUHVLVWDQFHWRKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHVXSWR}&ËDPHUHWDUGDQWVHOIH[WLQJXLVKLQJ89DQGZHDWKHU resistant, VDE approved. Examples: protection against stone impact, kicking and scratches for exposed cables and underground cables, pipes and connection points cables and pipelines, corrosion protection exposed cables and lines (e. Approved according 454 Type 10 Typical areas use: ,QVXODWLQJDQGUHSDLUWDVNVLQGRRUVDQGRXWGRRUVLQSDUWLFXODUIRUXVHZLWKWKHSHUVLVWHQWLQËXHQFHRIKLJKHUWHPSHUD tures, e.g. Typical areas use: Electrical insulation tapes for marking the conductor phase multi-core cables. ships, wet areas, the chemical industry), outstanding mechanical and corrosion protection for installation pipes and masts that are buried underground, base protection for electrical appliances (washing machines, tumble driers, chest freezers)