CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 249 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
Approx. A pre-treatment with Betokontakt essential when dealing with smooth substrates. processing time minutes, approx. processing time minutes, approx. For the improvement stair steps, screeds, concrete and plaster. Approx. storage time months. m2 / sack with plaster thickness, approx. storage time of months. PU = 1 pallet in plastic bucket buckets 0346 15 buckets 0348 . Smoothened, felted can be freely processed. Plaster and assembly cement Supply wholesale trade Germany only full packaging units pallet per article) and from minimum total delivery amount per shipment! Building and electrician plaster )RUWKHLQVHUWLRQRIVRFNHWVÌOOLQJRIKROHVIRULPSURYHPHQWDQGLQVWDOODWLRQZRUNGRZHOOLQJVPRRWKLQJDQGÌ[LQJ indoors. PU = 1 pallet in paper sack Sacks 0338 RED-WHITE bonding plaster Single-layer indoor plaster complete with adhesive additives and high yield for manual processing all common plaster substrates well rough smooth concrete surfaces indoors including domestic kitchens and bathrooms. For the sealing water penetrations concrete, masonry and pipes. 100 minutes (depending processing conditions), recommended plaster thickness mm, material consumption approx. mixing ratio 0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 249 S S Design Size Article no. PU = 1 pallet in paper sack Sacks 0330 10 Sacks 0332 5 120 Sacks 0334 in plastic bucket buckets 0335 Fixing plaster )RUÌ[LQJGU\ZDOOJ\SVXPÌEUHDQGFRPSRVLWHSODVWHUERDUGERDUGVRQVWDEOHDQGDEVRUEHQWVXEVWUDWHV3UHWUHDW smooth concrete surfaces with Betokontakt and highly absorbent substrates with primer absorbent barrier. storage time months.2 water powder, approx. Specially designed for building and electrical work. The SURFHVVLQJJXLGHOLQHVSURYLGHGE\WKHEXLOGLQJERDUGPDQXIDFWXUHUPXVWEHREVHUYHG$OVRVXLWDEOHIRUWKHÌ[LQJ LQGRRUSODVWHUSURÌOHV$SSUR[SURFHVVLQJWLPHRIPLQXWHVDSSUR[PDWHULDOFRQVXPSWLRQRINJP2 , approx. PU = 1 pallet in paper sack Sacks 0342 Assembly cement 1 4XLFNKDUGHQLQJFHPHQWIRUDWWDFKPHQWVLQVWDOODWLRQVDQGUHSDLUV)RUWKHGRZHOOLQJDQGÌ[LQJRIFRQVROHVUDLOLQJV wall hooks, doors, gates, frames, switch boxes and much more. Processing time approx. storage time of months. Also ideally suitable for forming and model-making work.15 0. mixing ratio water kg, approx