CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
5% pure aluminium, long-term heat resistant protection +800 °C, bonds almost all materials such as steel, nonferrous metal, wood, cardboard, plastic, ceramic, S S Design Size Article 1148 Note: Due the limited shelf-life, not possible return the spray and cleaner cans! Cartridge gun For all standard cartridges (e. Only handle when de-energised state.nautic 200 1147 For use passenger cars and heavy goods vehicles e.motorbike 1144 For use boats and yachts saltwater environments e. 500 °C, suitable for the improvement damaged zinc coatings. set 1400 25 glue sticks Length 200 1401 . Supplied practical plastic case complete with glue sticks. silicone), open skeleton structure, soft delivery stroke, extremely long service life, with pressure release and spray nozzle opener 1 1270 Hot glue gun set Electronic temperature control, mechanical feed device for glue sticks, approx. 400 1114 WET.basic 200 1142 For use motorbikes, trikes and mopeds e.g.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 248 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. heating time min. 400 1110 Stainless steel spray Corrosion-resistant and effective surface coating, bonds securely all metals, glass, wood, stone, cardboard and the majority plastics. 400 1100 light 400 1102 Aluminium spray 99. transparent 310 1260 white 310 1262 grey 310 1264 Metal sprays Zinc spray Durable, quick-drying cathodic corrosion protection with long-term effect for all metal surfaces, resistant salt, water and heat approx. melting temperature 120 °C, approx.nautic 1146 e.basic 1140 e. Silicone 1 component adhesive and sealant, bonds the majority substrates, such aluminium, steel, glass, glass fabric, ceramic, plastic, wood and many other materials.PROTECT 3URWHFWVDJDLQVWZHWDQGPRLVWXUHUHODWHGVKRUWFLUFXLWVIDLOXUHDQGFRUURVLRQLQÌOWUDWHVWKHPRLVWXUHDQG VXEVHTXHQWO\IRUPVDGXUDEOHSURWHFWLYHÌOPPDLQWDLQVFRQGXFWLYLW\DQGLQFUHDVHVWKHVHUYLFHOLIHRIWKHWUHDWHG parts, can used preventive measure directly following the effects moisture means repair. For use industry, trade and private household e., output for glue sticks. resistant the effects weathering