CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
5 min 7-bent 0456 Replacement soldering tip for 0456 0453 0457 Tool holder for electrical and gas soldering irons With tray for cleaning sponge 80 110 0301 Electrical soldering gun 220 Volt, with soldering point light and Euro plug Watt Soldering tip temp. heating time 100 0.2 min 0700 Replacement soldering tip 0702 Gas soldering set, piece for lighter butane gas.g. heating time Soldering tip mm 15 1.5 min 5-straight 0448 Replacement soldering tip for 0448 0449 30 1.5 min 7-bent 0602 Replacement soldering tip for 0602 0603 100 2.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 245 S S Design Size Article no.5 blade width for cutting and shaping 0826 of plastic and hard foams +HDWUHËHFWRUIRUKHDWVKULQNLQJ 0828 PP¹ËDPHQR]]OHIRUPLFURZHOGLQJ 0824 - and spanner for soldering tip assembly - Cleaning sponge sponge container - Comprehensive instruction manual 10-piece gas soldering iron set 275 160 0800 Gas soldering iron, individual device 235 0810 6ROGHULQJVWDWLRQZLWKLQÌQLWHO\YDULDEOHFRQWURO Primary voltage 230 50/60 Hz, secondary voltage safety transformer, LED function display, soldering iron with separate equipotential bonding and interchangeable soldering tip Watt Soldering tip temp. handy storage and carrying case made from impact-resistant plastic with viewing window. min. App heating time Soldering tip mm 30 1. Contact soldering paste DFFRUGLQJWR',1(1&IRUVROGHULQJLQWKHÌHOGVRIHOHFWULFDOHQJLQHHULQJHOHFWURQLFVDQGHOHFWULFDOLQVWDOODWLRQ 50 tin 0240 Desoldering pump Ideally suitable for repair work circuit boards and electronic components, professional industrial quality with extremely high and constant suction power and large aluminium solder chamber, low weight (only g), with QDUURZDQWLVWDWLF7HËRQGHVROGHULQJWLS 195 0300 Electronic soldering devices 220 Volt, with plastic handle, 1.5 min 0730 . App.5 power cable and “Schuko” safety plug, interchangeable copper soldering tips Watt Soldering tip temp. Also suitable for heat-shrinking work, micro-welding DQGWKHFXWWLQJRISODVWLFÌOPVDQGERDUGVWKDQNVWRGLYHUVHLQWHUFKDQJHDEOHDWWDFKPHQWV:LWKHOHFWURQLFLJQLWLRQ LQÌQLWHO\YDULDEOHRXWSXWWHPSHUDWXUHVZLWKQDNHGËDPHXSWR}&VROGHULQJXSWR}&KHDWVKULQNLQJXS to 500 °C, burning duration approx.5 dual-sided, diagonal soldering tip (chisel shape) 0822 - Hot knife with 12.5 min 5-straight 0600 Replacement soldering tip for 0600 0601 60 2. installation, service and repair areas.0 min 7-bent 0453 Replacement soldering tip for 0453 0457 80 2. App. For challenging soldering tasks without obstructive cables all locations where power supply is not available, e. Set consisting unit each of: - Gas soldering iron with protective safety cap and locking device 0810 - Pencil tip soldering tip 0820 - single-sided, diagonal soldering tip (elliptical shape) 0821 - 3