CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 244 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
length 440 mm SN % 35 0140 40 0150 60 0160 Lead-free solder triangular rods according DIN 29453, extruded, standard dimensions: mm, approx.5), not corrosive non-ferrous metals, disposable spools Wire Weight g 1.5 100 0162 250 0164 500 0166 1000 0168 2.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 244 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco.0 100 0052 250 0054 500 0056 1000 0058 1.5 0.0 250 0074 500 0076 1000 0078 3.0 250 0174 500 0176 1000 0178 3.C, for the soft soldering tinplate and leaded sheet metal, for the tinning copper DQGEUDVVQRWVXLWDEOHIRUXVHLQWKHÌHOGRIHOHFWULFDOHQJLQHHULQJDQGHOHFWURQLFV FRQWDLQV]LQFFKORULGHFRUURVLYH 50 0230 100 0232 250 0234 .5 100 0062 250 0064 500 0066 1000 0068 S S Design Size Article no. Lead-free electronic solder DFFRUGLQJWR',166Q&XZLWKDFWLYHUHVLQËX[DFFRUGLQJWR',1(1% (weight 2.0 250 0180 500 0182 Electronic solder DFFRUGLQJWR',1(1ZLWKDFWLYDWHGUHVLQËX[QRWFRUURVLYHRQQRQIHUURXVPHWDOIDVWËRZLQJ ËX[DFFRUGLQJWR',1(1% ZHLJKW~ 66Q3ERQGLVSRVDEOHVSRROV Wire Weight g 1. length 400 mm SN % 99.3 0161 Soldering grease according DIN 29454-1 3.0 250 0080 500 0082 Radio solder DFFRUGLQJWR',1(1ZLWKDFWLYDWHGUHVLQËX[QRWFRUURVLYHRQQRQIHUURXVPHWDOVIDVWËRZLQJ ËX[DFFRUGLQJWR',1(1% ZHLJKW~ 66Q3ERQGLVSRVDEOHVSRROV Wire Weight g 2 250 0104 Solder triangular rods according DIN 29453, extruded, standard dimensions: mm, approx.1.0 100 0152 250 0154 500 0156 1000 0158 1.1