CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
SUPER pipe cutter Working range 0410 Replacement blade 0412 . 4021 no. 4026 piece 4019 Express spanner fork spanner with hanger bolt spanner Size 4011 Ventil-Quick waste valve holder and screw-in wrench, just insert immediately torque-proof no chance damaging chrome surfaces, weighs only 365 ready for use seconds 1 4040 Plumbing four-way socket wrench with offset surfaces, making suitable for all brands for tap extensions 3 /8” 1 /2” 3 /4” 1”, with thread for hanger bolts 1 4120 Radiator spud wrench IRUFDPKH[DQGGRXEOHKH[GULYHWRLQVWDOOYDOYHVDQGVFUHZÌWWLQJV 3 /8“ 1“, 1 /2“ square drive 1 4000 Ratchet with 1 /2“ square socket, for radiator spud wrench (CIMCO article no. 4000). Fitting pliers with non-slip woven rubber strap max. meaning can used ordinary ratchet for nut driver 1 4001 Pipe cutters for plastic pipes and cable ducts IRUKDUGDQGVRIW39&SLSHVDQGFDEOHGXFWVDOVRIRUÌEUHUHLQIRUFHGSODVWLFDQGUXEEHUKRVHV The stability and the cutting geometry the blade ensures burr and deformation-free, right-angled cut both round and angular material.237 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P S Design Size Article no. 160 1370 Basin wrench with swivel claw, for left and right-handed rotation, varnished 235 2020 One-hand basin wrench IRUHDV\PRXQWLQJRIKLJKTXDOLW\ÌWWLQJVHJFKURPHSODWHGLQKDUGWRDFFHVVSODFHVZLWK restricted working space, holders 3 /8” Wrench inserts Size 4021 Size 4022 Size 4023 Extension 300 4024 Sliding T-handle 3 /8” 4026 Set no