CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 236 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
240 1230 PowerGRIP plier wrench SDUDOOHOJULSSLQJSOLHUVZLWKSUDFWLFDOSXVKEXWWRQDGMXVWPHQWIRUZRUNLQJRQSDUDOOHODQGËDWZRUNSLHFHVVXFK as nuts, bolts, screwed cable glands and thin metal sheets, high transmission ratio with noticeable support of KDQGSRZHUHUJRQRPLFVKDSHH[WUHPHO\UREXVWIUHHSOD\MRLQWZLWKFRQWLQXRXVHDV\UXQQLQJÌQHDGMXVWPHQW chrome-plated with dip insulated handles Design Span width Weight 180 275 1241 250 490 1239 300 640 1243 Syphon pliers for mounting and dismounting siphons and water drains washbasins and sink units; DOVRIRUODUJHUÌOOLQJYDOYHV ZDWHUWDSV PDGHRIFKURPHYDQDGLXPVWHHOIRUSLSHÌWWLQJVZLWKVFUHZHGVOLSMRLQW shanks dipped. 230 1256 S-opening pipe pliers according DIN 5234 drop-forged, with inductively hardened grip area, self-locking the workpiece, GRXEOH7SURÌOHKDQGOHFDSWLYHDGMXVWLQJQXWDQGVDIHW\ORFNLQJSURWHFWLRQWRSUHYHQWFUXVKLQMXULHV For pipes Span width Inch mm 1 /2 245 1277 1 320 1279 1 1 /2 440 1281 2 560 1283 3 120 675 1285 /HYHUSUHVVXUHSOLHUV ORFNLQJSOLHUV LGHDOIRUKROGLQJDQGÌ[LQJRIZRUNSLHFHVIRUZHOGLQJVROGHULQJFXWWLQJDQGÌQLVKLQJMDZVPDGHRIFKURPH vanadium steel, with release lever and wire cutter Span width mm 0 185 1300 0 250 1302 0 300 1304 .de P S Design Size Article no.236 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco. Water pump pliers according DIN ISO 8976, with box joint, self-clamping the tool, with ridged opening (burner hole), manufactured from chrome-vanadium steel. without handle sleeves 250 (10“) 1222 with handle sleeves 250 (10“) 1224 Water pump pliers according DIN ISO 8976, made chrome-vanadium steel, with burner hole and box slip joint, for even force distribution, with safety locking protection, varnished 175 1236 245 1237 300 1238 FastGRIP water pump pliers DFFRUGLQJWR',1,62ZLWKTXLFNDGMXVWPHQWRQWKHZRUNSLHFHYLDSXVKEXWWRQHDV\UXQQLQJVXSHUÌQH adjustment via tab locations, ergonomically shaped for the greatest force transmission, self-locking the workpiece, power conserving, slip-proof design, with box slip joint and double fulcrum, inductively hardened ridged opening and safety lock protection, high-quality tempering, maximum span width mm, weight 392 g