CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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0210, with pre-mounted cutting insert CIMCO article no.125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S S Design Size Article no. 1 0290 Plastic shears with adjustable stop Shears the set (CIMCO article no. different cutting inserts lightweight metal, can changed seconds: ËDWVWUDLJKWLQVHUW SUHPRXQWHGLQWKHVKHDUV IRUJHQHUDOFXWWLQJZRUNRQËDWPDWHULDOVVXFKDVSODVWLFSURÌOHVULEERQ cables, cable ducts, skirting boards etc. Contents: Multi-purpose shears for quick, non-crushing cutting work plastic, rubber and wooden parts and on ribbon cables (except hard metals), solid precision cutting blade (cutting length mm) made case-hardened tool steel HRC), can sharpened, special cutting geometry for very light cut, eccentrically placed pivot point for REOLTXHVKHDULQJPDNHVWHGLRXVGHEXUULQJVXSHUËXRXVZLWKRSHQLQJVSULQJDQGORFNLQJGHYLFHHUJRQRPLFDOO\VKDSHG plastic handles with anti-slip protection. 0210), but with adjustable stop angle for convenient mitre cuts, locking positions 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°, 105°, 120° and 135°, 2-component handles. Telephone scissors with wire cutter, bright nickel plated with smooth cutting edge 130 0220 with serrated cutting edge 130 0222 Crown scissors Bright nickel plated, with serrated cutting edge, for the thinnest wires 115 0230 8QLYHUVDOVKHDUV SDSHUZDOOSDSHUDQGKRXVHKROGVFLVVRUV Stainless steel blades, ergonomically shaped handles modern 2-component technology with soft rubber insert 220 0128 Multi-purpose shears for plastics Practical set, consisting quality shears and interchangeable cutting inserts, impact-proof, handy plastic case, essential for almost all craft work electrical and sanitary installation. 0213, for cutting URXQGSURÌOHVZLWKDGLDPHWHURIPP 5 /8”) and (3 /4k LQSDUWLFXODUKDUGDQGËH[LEOHSODVWLFWXEHV (corrugated tubes). 1 0208 Replacement blade 0216 ., mitre insert with try square and markings for angle cuts 45° 60° 75° 90° - 105° 120°, SURÌOHLQVHUWDW}IRUFXWWLQJER[SURÌOHVXSWR[PPHJVPDOOFDEOHDQGFDEOHURXWLQJGXFWV and also for hard thick-walled plastic tubes and hoses diameter, URXQGSURÌOHLQVHUW each with one round guide (5 /8”)- and one (3 /4k GLDPHWHUUHVSHFWLYHO\SOXVURXQGSURÌOHLQVHUWPP with round guide GLDPHWHULGHDOIRUEXUUIUHHFXWWLQJRIËH[LEOHDQGKDUGSODVWLFWXEHVDQGKRVHV1RW suitable for halogen-free materials. 1 0210 Replacement parts: Flat-straight 0211 Mitre insert 0212 5RXQGSURÌOHPP¹ 0213 5RXQGSURÌOHPP¹ 0214 3URÌOHLQVHUW} 0215 Replacement blade 0216 Multi-purpose shears for plastic pipes and hoses Shears CIMCO article no. Not suitable for cutting halogen-free materials