CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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de S S Design Size Article no.124 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. 140 0130 Electrician scissors with holster l(UJRQRPLFWZRFRPSRQHQWKDQGOHZLWKJODVVÌEUHUHLQIRUFHPHQW • Blades made stainless steel HRC AISI 420, with serrated edge • Length 155 mm, with blades • For cutting and stripping insulation from cables with diameters (50 mm2 ) • Plastic holster for easy attachment belt bag • Weight shears: g • Holster weight: g • Sheath length: 133 mm 1 0126 Electrician scissors l+DQGOHPDGHRIWZRFRPSRQHQWPDWHULDOZLWKÌEUHJODVVUHLQIRUFHPHQWMRLQWUHLQIRUFHGWRDYRLGORRVHQLQJ • Blades made stainless steel 52/54 HRC, with serrated edge • Length 145 mm, with blade length mm • For cutting and stripping insulation from cables with diameter (25 mm2 ) • Weight: g 1 0132 Ergonomic electrician scissors l *ULSZLWKLQQRYDWLYHGHVLJQWRUHGXFHFXWWLQJIRUFHVWZRFRPSRQHQWPDWHULDOZLWKÌEUHJODVVUHLQIRUFHPHQW • Blades made stainless steel 52/54 HRC, with micro-serrated edge • Length 155 mm, with blade length mm • Weight: g 1 0134 Electrician scissors with crimp insert l +DQGJULSPDGHRIWZRFRPSRQHQWPDWHULDOZLWKÌEUHJODVVUHLQIRUFHPHQWDOOURXQGFRDWLQJSUHYHQWVVOLSSLQJ during the cutting process • Reinforced joint; prevents loosening the joint • Blades made stainless steel 52/54 HRC, with serrated edge • Length 162 mm, with blade length mm • For cutting and stripping insulation from cables with diameter (25 mm2 ) with the straight edge and cross section mm2 ÌQHZLUH ZLWKWKHURXQGHGJH • Crimp insert for wire end ferrules for cross sections mm2 ; Crimp insert made stainless steel • Weight: 100 g 1 0144 . For cutting and insulation stripping conductors and cables diameter, for cutting insulation tape, cable ties and other materials. For cutting wire, cables, sheet metal, paper, cardboard, plastics, wood, leather and other materials. 145 0120 190 0122 Electrician scissors %ODGHVPDGHIURPQRQUXVWLQJ9$YDQDGLXPPRO\EGHQXPDOOR\RQHEODGHÌQHO\VHUUDWHGJODVVÌEUHUHLQIRUFHG impact-resistant 2-component plastic handles, total length 140 mm, blade length mm. Universal shears Blades made from non-rusting stainless steel, handles made from impact-resistant plastic, hardness HRC 58, RQHEODGHÌQHO\VHUUDWHGVHOIORFNLQJQXWDQGZDVKHUPDGHIURP9$VDIHW\ORFNVHOIRSHQLQJZLWKVSULQJVXLWDEOH for left and right-handed use, Blade length mm