CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 116 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
Cable draw grips made from galvanised steel wire for underground cabling, with crimped cable loop for cable mm 10 2506 20 2507 30 2508 40 2509 50 2510 65 2511 for underground cabling, with crimped cable loops for cable mm 10 2520 20 2521 30 2522 40 2523 50 2524 .3 7183 22 C S Design Size Article no.6 7175 Service sets for Kabeljet® and Pipe Eel® Each consisting rod ends, connecting sleeve, clamping sleeves and bottle special adhesive.0 7174 25 15.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 116 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. 150 g for Kabeljet with 7. Weight approx.2 rod diameter 2160 for Pipe Eel with rod diameter 2161 for Pipe Eel with rod diameter 2162 Further accessories such twist compensation pin, pipe cleaning and duct brushes gathering devices can be supplied request. Guide head Aluminium, length mm, inside thread 1 2281 with cable lug, 3208 Shackle Shape according DIN 82101, galvanised, maximum capacity kN Pin diameter 2292 Pin diameter 1494 Connecting pin )RUFRXSOLQJPXOWLSOHÌEUHJODVVURGVWRJHWKHUJDOYDQLVHGVWHHOWZR0FRQQHFWLQJWKUHDGV 1 2293 Twist compensation pin With double stainless steel axial bearings, for connecting draw grip and shackle Outer Max. tensile load Length 16 3