CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 115 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
Pipe eel® The cable pulling system for underground cabling Galvanised steel tube frame, mobile rollers, ball bearing mounted winch with integrated parking brake, FRPSOHWHZLWKÌEUHJODVVURG[0URGHQGVPP¹SXOOLQJH\HVKDFNOHFRQQHFWLQJVOHHYHDQGFODPSLQJ sleeves, special adhesive and service bag Rod thickness Winch Length m 9 750 2240 60 2241 80 2242 100 2243 120 2244 150 2245 11 1000 150 2250 200 2251 250 2252 300 2253 Rod lengths 500 and rods with positioning function request. 120 115 110 2310 Accessories for Kabeljet® and Pipe Eel® Pulling eye Aluminium, length mm, inside thread 1 2280 . Pipe blockages, fractures and other defects can accurately located. Pipe eel® replacement rod Two rod ends, pulling eye, shackle Rod thickness Length m 9 2270 60 2271 80 2272 100 2273 120 2274 150 2279 11 150 2275 200 2276 250 2277 300 2278 Rod ends Brass, outside thread for rod 2285 for rod 2286 Connecting sleeves Brass for rod 2290 for rod 2291 Length measuring device for pipe eel® for quickly and simply determining lengths underground pipe trays.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 115 C S Design Size Article no. more annoying re-measurements, pacing off marking and all this ZLWKDVLJQLÌFDQWO\KLJKHUPHDVXULQJDFFXUDF\7KHGHYLFHFDQEHHIIRUWOHVVO\UHWURÌWWHGWRDOOVWDQGDUGSXOOLQJ devices