Line supp conn ection fle ility
T iffe line tio n
o tio ffe rin fits.
T sily tro fitte fixe d
m ile ire t-to -lin lts ick
a lla tio .
D ire t-to -lin e
T ire t-to -lin ts
s tia lly Due its size lig t
co drive requiring tran sfo lso lts in
lo tra rta tio and less e
e tric room .Key features
The ACS 2000 general purpose drive offers unique features
which provide superior application flexibility with standard
solution. the
p tin lla tio is
a ila tio iso tio n
tra use ith tra sfo tte r
a llo ire tio tria line ly
(d ire t-to -lin ).
E xte tra r
F lic tio lta iso tio n
tra tio fro line
s ire a
c tio oil -ty iso tio n
tra r.