Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 679 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
Line current Line voltage Motor current Motor voltage Line and otor current and voltage ABB ACS 2000 brochure. This avoids the need for harm onic analysis o the installation filters. R tio n For inim energy tio the AFE enables r-quadrant o tio ich bra kin into line supply. W ith tic VAR tio lta e p file and rea ctive ltie can be avo d.0 6. M otor frie ndly tput aveform for use ith new or existing otors The vid near sin rre and lta e w aveform aking com patible for use ith standard otors and ca ble insulation. Control the drive ediate and ooth under all conditions. S tic VAR tio n The AFE can also provide reactive (VAR) pensation. L sig ture T AFE vid sig the m strin ire isto rtio defined by relevant standards. his achieved ith ten ultilevel to ich utilizes one link enabling ulti-level t w ith . It vid low ics and bles r-q tio n and reactive tio .9 line supply.DIRECTTORQUECONTROL A ctive Front End netw ork friend and energy efficient operation T ith ctive Front End (AFE) w ich can used tio ith sim isolation tra ire tio 6. Powerful perform ance ith DTC P recise and reliable tro ith y co tio results rfo The drive control platform uses ard-w inning Direct Torque Control (DTC), resulting the and rfo ce as ell the sse ever lta e A drives