Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

| Kategorie: Katalog  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 700 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
Monitoring and diagnostics The ACS 5000 available with intelligent monitoring and diagnostics system, which allows secure access the drive from any location the world. Long-term monitoring functions deliver important information equipment status, maintenance tasks needed and possible perform ance im provem ents. Easy access The ACS 5000 has been designed allow easy front access the drive’s components. supports monitoring, configuration and diagnostics ABB drives for new and existing installations. The optional tool consists hardware module inside the drive, well software layer that autom atically collects and analyzes selected drive signals and parameters. DriveMonitor™ allows real-time access the drive. iagnostic procedures and trending can cover not only the converter itself but other parts the shaft train well. Redundant cooling The cooling equipm ent available with redundant fans pumps allow maintenance during operating hours, which minimizes down- The water-cooled ACS 5000 inverter phase modules are mounted on sliding rails. The modular concept the ACS 5000 implies minimal maintenance. Benefits:-------------------------------------- • Early detection avoid costly repairs • Reduction process-critical faults • Optimization maintenance cost and schedule over the product life cycle • Long-term statistics for optimization of process performance • Easier root cause analysis reduced Mean Time Repair (MTTR) Maintenance Simple and efficient maintainability important factor keeping operating costs down. 12 ACS 5000 ABB . Reliable components ABB drive technologies, such IGCT power sem iconductors and the ultilevel-fuseless topology, provide low parts count, hich increases reliability, extends Mean Time Betw een Failures (MTBF) and proves availability