Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 30 z 825

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Options du/dt filters du/dt filtering suppresses inverter output voltage spikes and rapid voltage changes that stress motor insulation. If the motor does not fulfil the requirements the filter selection table, the lifetime the motor might decrease.2 12 Options 3AU A0000041481 REV 3.2009 . For frames and the ACS850 drive modules not necessarily need separate mains choke for operation. The need for du/dt filtering depends the motor age and insulation.8 B -03 150 175 100 5. Additionally, du/dt filtering reduces capacitive leakage currents and high frequency emission the motor cable well high frequency losses and bearing currents the motor.8 A -02 150 175 3.5 N 200 154 106 7 N 383 185 111 12 F 382 190 254 47 F 662 319 282 65 F 662 319 282 65 * filters included, dim ensions apply for one filter. AB random - w ound HXR and otors 380 500 eck otor insulation system ith the otor anufacturer. Dim ensions ass Fram size Type idth Length Depth kg A K-01 120 146 1. Mains chokes Mains chokes are typically used reduce harmonics in the mains current. interval during hich line line voltage at m otor term inals changes from full voltage range. Non-A B Random - w ound and form ound U 420 the insulation system ithstands Ol =16 and t=0.4 B -04 150 175 100 5. Insulated N-end (non-driven end) bearings and/or common mode filters are also required for motor bearing currents with motors bigger than 100 kW. For information the construction of the motor insulation, consult the motor manufacturer.4 N 215 165 130 4.7 N 261 180 150 9. Frames are equipped with inbuilt choke as standard. For more information please see the ACS850 hardware manual. AB form - w ound HXR and otors 380 500 tand ard insulation system .e.2 ps, t filtering not required.7. ith t filtering the insulation system ust w ithstand ll= V. Sym bol Explanation U Nom inal ains voltage. ÛLL eak line line voltage otor term inals. Dimensions and weights the du/dt filters d filter Height Depth eight kg N 195 140 115 2. At Rise tim i. however separate mains choke are needed they are available eet different system design needs. External du/dt filters 500V d filter type filters included kits arked *) U protected (IP00) 0 -6 6­ 01 0 X C o z 0 -6 0­ 3 0 0 X C o z N0CH0070-60 0 -6 0­ 2 01 H C 0 N *N0CH0260-60 F0CH0260-70 0 -5 0­ 2 3 0 H C 0 F 0 -7 0­ 61 0 H C 0 F A -5 A -5 A -5 A -5 A -5 A -5 A -5 A -5 1 A -5 A -5 A -5 1 A -5 A -5 A -5 A -5 1 A -5 A -5 A -5 A -5 1 A 1 A -5 A -5 A -5 1 A 1 A -5 A -5 A -5 A -5 1 Filter selection table for ACS850 M oto type Nom inal mains voltage (Un) M insulation requirem ent AB and M otors U tand ard insulation system