Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 677 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
0 6. T rita VSI ith d IG lti-le tro tra k re lia frie lta AC d rive tio .9 line ire t-to -lin lte tively, a sim iso tio tra can lie d to llo fle xib line sid lta s. W ith tio tiv End (AFE), line side h are ith use sive , sp cia lize tra and ith fit r fa rre tio and tio . W ith its rin tro fitte d to tro sta tio via ire tio n to 6. T ire t-to -lin the vin a tra rle ria rive syste ith the fits o lta rce rte (VSIs), lle il­ a ility lia ility, and su rio tro rfo .ACS 2000 simple and reliable motor control The ACS 2000 the latest member the ABB medium voltage AC drives family providing reliable motor control for wide range applications. Key product features - uitable for use ith ith input isolation transform er - ire ct-to -lin ctio (transform erless) vid low est c rsh ip - ctive Front End (AFE) for inim line side ics ith p rre ctio and regeneration - ple drive system inte tio n - Three three lin for ick and easy installation - uitable for new existing ctio rs - High reliability and ainte sts Fields application Industries Applications Cement, mining and minerals Conveyors, crushers, mills, fans and pumps Chemical, oil and gas Pumps, com pressors, extruders, mixers and blowers Metals Fans and pumps Pulp and paper Fans, pumps, refiners, vacuum pum and chippers Power generation Fans, pumps, conveyors and coal mills Water Pumps Other applications Test stands and wind tunnels ABB. T sig high reliability, sta lla tio n an cin