Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 503 z 825

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Tamb °C, max overload 40%. Phd: typical motor power heavy-duty use. The pow ratings are valid nom inal voltage V. The ratings apply ambient temperature.max: rated current available continuously without overloadability °C. 4) 50% overload available amb Tamb °C, max overload 37%.Ratings and dimensions ACS800-02 A CS800 XXXX 3 5 7 Nomin rating al s No-overload use Light-overload use Heavy-duty use Noise level dBA Heat dissipation W Air flow m3/h Type code Frame sizeAxrnt. 134 190 132 125 110 2800 540 800-02-0140-7 R7 166 263 160 155 132 131 110 3550 540 800-02-0170-7 R7 166/2035) 294 160 165/1955) 160 147 132 4250 540 800-02-0210-7 R7 175/2305) 326 160/2005) 175/2125) 160/2005) 163 160 4800 540 800-02-0260-7 R7 315 433 315 290 250 216 200 6150 1220 800-02-0320-7 R8 353 548 355 344 315 274 250 6650 1220 800-02-0400-7 R8 396 656 400 387 355 328 315 7400 1220 800-02-0440-7 R8 445 775 450 426 400 387 355 8450 1220 800-02-0490-7 R8 488 853 500 482 450 426 400 8300 1220 800-02-0550-7 R8 560 964 560 537 500 482 450 9750 1220 800-02-0610-7 R8 Degree Protection: IP21 (Standard) Paint color: NCS 1502-Y (RAL 900 2/P 420C) Frame size IP21 Height mm W idth 1 mm W idth 2 mm Depth mm W eight kg W eight ith enclosure extension kg R7 1507 250 602 524 110 234 R8 2024 347 793 622 240 450 Width Width the standard unit Width Width with the enclosure extension A) The dimensions apply bookshelf mounting. 3A 68375126 REV 17.max: typical motor power no-overload use. motor shaft power 150% Phd. 206 326 110 202 110 163 3000 540 800-02-0140-3 R7 248 404 132 243 132 202 110 3650 540 800-02-0170-3 R7 289 432 160 284 160 240 132 4300 540 800-02-0210-3 R7 445 588 200 440 200 340 160 6600 1220 800-02-0260-3 R8 521 588 250 516 250 370 200 7150 1220 800-02-0320-3 R8 602 840 315 590 315 477 250 8100 1220 800-02-0400-3 R8 693 1017 355 679 355 590 315 8650 1220 800-02-0440-3 R8 720 1017 400 704 400 635 355 9100 1220 800-02-0490-3 R8 Un (Ranges V). 196 326 132 192 132 162 110 3000 540 800-02-0170-5 R7 245 384 160 240 160 192 132 3800 540 800-02-0210-5 R7 289 432 200 284 200 224 160 4500 540 800-02-0260-5 R7 440 588 250 435 250 340 200 6850 1220 800-02-0320-5 R8 515 588 315 510 315 370 250 7800 1220 800-02-0400-5 R8 550 840 355 545 355 490 315 7600 1220 800-02-0440-5 R8 602 840 400 590 400 515 355 8100 1220 800-02-0490-5 R8 684 1017 450 670 450 590 400 9100 1220 800-02-0550-5 R8 718 1017 500 704 500 632 450 9700 1220 800-02-0610-5 R8 Un (Ranges V). Notes: 1) 50% overload available Tamb Tamb °C, max overload 45%. The pow ratings are valid nom inal voltage V. Tamb °C, max overload 30%. max A kW I n A P n kW Ihd A P hd kW Un (Ranges V). 2) 50% overload available Tamb °C. /max: maximum output current. B) With enclosure extension the depth increased due the switch fuse handle. N inal Ratings: lcont. Typical Ratings: N o-overload use Pcont. The pow ratings are valid nom inal voltage V. The current ratings are the same regardless the supply voltage within one voltage range. *) Weights are for the basic configuration with switch fuse, but without contactor and other options. 5) Higher value available output frequency above Hz. At higher temperatures (up °C) the derating °C.2009 Single drives 21 . H eavy-duty use /h continuous current allowing 150% for min min °C. 214 326 211 170 2900 540 800-02-0080-2 R7 253 404 248 202 3450 540 800-02-0100-2 R7 295 432 290 240 4050 540 800-02-0120-2 R7 405 588 110 396 110 316 5300 1220 800-02-0140-2 R8 447 588 132 440 132 340 6100 1220 800-02-0170-2 R8 528 588 160 516 160 370 110 6700 1220 800-02-0210-2 R8 613 840 160 598 160 480 132 7600 1220 800-02-0230-2 R8 693 1017 200 679 200 590 160 7850 1220 800-02-0260-2 R8 720 1017 200 704 200 635 200 8300 1220 800-02-0300-2 R8 Un (Ranges V). P typical motor power light-overload use.2. The pow ratings are valid nom inal voltage V. flat type mounting the width and depth change places. Available for start, otherwise long as allowed drive temperature. Note: max. 3) 50% overload available Tamb °C. Light-overload use /n: continuous current allowing 110% for min min °C