CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 93 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
Weight: approx. neodymium permanent magnet securely holds the bits the holder. Weight 110 g Bit for: Phillips crosshead screws 2 5 mm 145 2998 Wrench for set screws for fuses Diazed, with lacquered wooden haft, suitable for all sizes 175 0100 Wrench for set screws for fuses and for contact screws Diazed, combined, re-insert use for set screws haft made insulation material 105 0102 . means double turning mechanism, four different switch cabinet keys can be brought into position. Square socket and mm, VTXDUHGULYHELWmPPIRUGRRUVDQGZLQGRZVZLWKRXWÌWWLQJV $OOHQNH\PPIRUVHWVFUHZVRQGRRUKDQGOHVVSLJRWVIRUFORVLQJDQGRSHQLQJSURÌOHF\OLQGHUORFNKROGHUV (17 ø), depth gauge for built-in locks mm, cap lifter (bottle opener) 195 2890 SuBKey ELEKTRO for all common switch cabinets.0 square attached the pin especially suitable for bleeding radiator valves. New construction key Solid metal key made annealed cast iron, with variety possible uses buildings, especially new buildings. neodymium-permanent magnet securely holds the bits in the holder. universal 1 /4” bit holder makes possible use all commercially available bits. means universal 1 /4” bit holder, all commercially available bits can used. 120 g. Bit for: Phillips crosshead screws 2 5 7-8 mm 155 2994 SuBKey BAU )RUDOOFRPPRQWHFKQLFDOFORVXUHVDOVRIRUGRRUDQGZLQGRZÌWWLQJVZLWKQHZVWHSVKDSHGVTXDUHGULYHELW%\ means double turning mechanism, different keys can brought into position.93 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S S Blade size mm) Total length Article no. A 5