CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 89 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
lb, 2-component handle.25 Nm Weight 831 5112 Ratchet adapter Made chrome vanadium steel, reversible, teeth, suitable for torque wrench with square holder. Size tool holder mm, with PDQRVFRSH VTXDUHVRFNHW [PP6XSSO\LQFOXGHVRSHUDWLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVDQGIDFWRU\FDOLEUDWLRQFHUWLÌFDWH Can only used combination with CIMCO article no. Additional loading after release loading against the functional direction, e. Indicator deviation 3%. 5110 and 5112, gauge correction needed the torque Fine scale increments: 0. 5114, 5116 and 5100 Scale range: 2-20 20-180 in. When used with CIMCO torque wrench, article no. Can only used combination with CIMCO article Scale increments: Nm/ in.2 Nm Weight 740 5110 Scale range: 10-50 7-37 ft. 1 /2” 5114 3 /8” 5116 . Connection between torque wrench and ratchet adapter secured spring-loaded retaining pin. with screws that are seized, does not affect the release mechanism protected against such Fine scale increments: 0. 5110 and Scale increments: Nm/ in.89 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S S Blade size mm) Total length Article no. Combination spanners, individual 6 2450 7 2452 8 2454 9 2456 10 2458 11 2460 12 2462 13 2464 14 2466 15 2468 16 2470 17 2472 18 2474 19 2476 20 2478 21 2480 22 2482 24 2484 27 2486 30 2488 32 2490 Adjustable spanners according DIN 3117 forged from steel, chrome-plated, handle PVC coated, allow simple work carried RXWTXLFNO\DQGËH[LEO\ Size 160 2800 Size 210 2802 Size 260 2804 Ratchet tool and inserts for screwed cable glands Patented, professional tool system for time-saving, non-slipping and comfortable assembly screwed cable glands, outstanding performance even very constricted working areas (minimum pivoting angle only 10°) and while working with screwed cable glands with inserted cable, damage screw connections, different jaw sizes for plastic and metal screw connections, ratchet and sockets made special precision-manufactured steel, loading capacity least 20 Nm Torque wrench Releasing torque wrench with holder for interchangeable push-on tools, adjustable via QuickSelect fast adjustment (safety locking device), viewing window indicator with and ft.g