CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Scope delivery: • One bit each 1 /4“, long: Three bits each 1 /4“, long: for slot-head screws 4.5 width, bits for hexagon head screws size size bit adapter, 1 /4” square adapter 1 2434 Ratchet-ring and open-end spanner For loosening quickly tightening screws and nuts one operation with ratchet mechanism without having to reposition the ring-ratchet.5 for Phillips crosshead screws 2 for Phillips crosshead screws and for crosshead screws 2 for crosshead screws and Bit holder with quick release, long for hex socket 1 /4“ adapter for holding nut driver for TORX® T10 T15 T20 T25 T27 T30 T40 for TORX® with bore (tamper proof) T10 T15 – T20 T25 T27 T30 T40 1 3158 SPECIAL socket wrench set, 7-piece with key sizes mm Contains one each the following: Hex sockets with 3 /8“-square drive and drive T-handle made from chrome vanadium steel, specially hardened, polished high gloss and hard chrome-plated. Made from drop-forged chrome vanadium steel, tempered, polished high sheen, nickel-plated and hard chrome-plated. Turn the left and right simply turning the key and not with cumbersome VZLWFKOHYHUZKLFKRIWHQFKDQJHVSRVLWLRQXQLQWHQWLRQDOO\7KHRYHUDOOKHLJKWRIWKHZUHQFKHVLVYHU\ËDWGHVSLWHWKH UDWFKHW&RQVHTXHQWO\WKHWRROVDUHSDUWLFXODUO\XVHIXOLQWLJKWVSDFHVSRLQWULQJZLWKËDQNGULYHLHWKHGULYHQR ORQJHUWDNHVSODFHYLDWKHHGJHVRIWKHVFUHZKHDGEXWRQWKHËDQNVZKHUHE\DVLJQLÌFDQWO\KLJKHUSRZHUWUDQVPLVVLRQ is achieved and the edges the screw heads and nuts are spared.5 5.5 6. :UHQFKVL]HDFURVVËDWV 8 2508 9 2509 10 2510 11 2511 12 2512 13 2513 14 2514 15 2515 16 2516 17 2517 18 2518 19 2519 NEW . Special feature: With the help the special key shape, even possible undo damaged (rounded) hexagon head screws. one end open-end fork spanner with 15° offset, the other end ring spanner RIWKHVDPHVL]HZLWKLQWHJUDWHGUDWFKHWPHFKDQLVPZLWKSDUWLFXODUDGYDQWDJHV5DWFKHWZLWKÌQHJHDULQJWHHWK = minimal pivoting angle only 5°. Contents: Open-ended and ratchet ring spanner (size 10, 11, and 17), bits for Phillips Pozidriv crosshead screws PH 2 Bits for slot-head screws 5.5 6. 1 2505 Ratchet-ring and open-end spanner set, 16-piece 0DGHRIFKURPHYDQDGLXPVWHHOKLJKO\SROLVKHGDQGFKURPHSODWHGUDWFKHWZLWKÌQHJHDULQJ WHHWK RQO\} pivoting angle), ideally suited for work tight spaces. Nut driver bit case, 37-piece set In strong aluminium case, bit holder with quick release, hex bit inserts made from chrome vanadium steel, polished chrome-plated, adapter for holding socket wrench inserts.87 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S S Blade size mm) Total length Article no. Extremely high torque transmission, DIN requirements are exceeded. 1 3160 Ratchet-ring and open-end spanner set, 12-piece :UHQFKVL]HDFURVVËDWVLQVHWPP &,0&2DUWLFOHQR 11 2508 2519), supplied robust, spacious roll-up tool case