CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
It proven that our customers average increase their “counter sales” between 20% and 40%. Counter displays No work, risk that the success formula for counter sales increase! With our counter displays, offer you as a wholesaler the option periodically presenting new tool features and innovations directly your cash and carry customers the counter. There for you person site An extensive network dedicated sales personnel provide personal support wholesalers and users our tools on location. Manufacturer Wholesaler Industry/Trade . Our sales employees will gladly provide you with information our current new features and the presentation options they offer.7 Sales & Service Sales Service Clear sales channels CIMCO-Werkzeugfabrik has always been committed the three-step sales channel “manufacturer/specialist wholesaler/ XVHUk,QRXUVDOHVSROLF\\RXZLOOQRWÌQGGLUHFWVDOHVWRWKH industry trade, supply retail, such DIY-markets. Whether product training application workshops, counter days hundreds regional specialist and in-house trade fairs every year: your CIMCO sales team is always nearby and will support you with expert advice and DFWLYHVDOHVVXSSRUW<RXFDQÌQGDOLVWRIDOOUHSUHVHQWDWLYHV on the last page. Customer loyalty our prime principle