CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 65 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
Shape for circlips ø acc. 190 0. 230 0.65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 P S Design Size Article no. 0030) incl.5 0.5 0.5 0. 0778), stable plastic box 1 1730 &LUFOLSSOLHUV 6HHJHUSOLHUV )RUWKHGDPDJHIUHHÌWWLQJDQGUHPRYDORIFLUFOLSVRUVQDSULQJVRQVKDIWVDQGLQERUHKROHVPDGHRIFKURPH vanadium steel, polished chrome-plated, with PVC handle sleeves, cylindrical plier tips.3 0774 Sealing pliers set consisting diagonal sealing pliers (CIMCO article no. DIN 5254 for external circlips, straight jaws A 140 1410 A 140 1412 A 180 1414 A 100 225 1416 A 165 310 1418 acc. 380 0.5 0. punch pair, 1000 plastic seals orange, CIMCO article no. DIN 5254 for external circlips, 90° angled jaws B 01) 130 1430 B 11) 130 1432 B 21) 170 1434 B 31) 100 210 1436 B 41) 165 310 1438 acc. DIN 5256 for internal circlips, straight jaws straight jaws C 140 1450 C 140 1452 C 180 1454 C 100 225 1456 C 165 290 1458 acc. DIN 5256 for internal circlips 90° angled jaws D 01) 130 1470 D 11) 130 1472 D 21) 170 1474 D 31) 100 210 1476 D 41) 165 290 1478 /HYHUSUHVVXUHSOLHUV ORFNLQJSOLHUV ,GHDOIRUKROGLQJDQGÌ[LQJRIZRUNSLHFHVIRUZHOGLQJVROGHULQJFXWWLQJDQGÌQLVKLQJ-DZVPDGHRIFKURPH vanadium steel, with release lever and wire cutter Span width mm 0 185 1300 0 250 1302 0 300 1304 .5 0770 Coil: 1 /2 approx. 0738, 100 plastic-coated seal wire, white (CIMCO article no. 115 0.5 0768 Coil: approx.3 0772 Coil: approx. Seal wire galvanised steel wire, rustproof ø mm Coil: 1 /2 approx