CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
Handle sleeves: Ergonomically designed handle sleeves modern two-component design made premium SODVWLFZLWKH[FHOOHQWWDFWLOHSURSHUWLHV9'(FHUWLÌHGLQVXODWLRQSURWHFWLRQXSWR9ROW$&DFFRUGLQJWR',1 EN 60900:2004. Single joint with arched, vertically ridged gripping surfaces, for all self-tapping metric screws from M3 130 0350 Single joint, with induction hardened precision blade (approx.5“) 0094 Water pump pliers according DIN ISO 8976, with box joint, self-clamping the workpiece, with ridged opening (burner hole), made from chrome-vanadium steel without handle sleeves 250 (10“) 1222 with handle sleeves 250 (10“) 1224 1000 pliers set, 4-piece Heavy duty diagonal pliers 200 (8“) 0528 Telephone pliers with straight jaws 200 (8“) 0216 Combination pliers 180 (7“) 0336 Wire stripper 160 (6“) 0686 1 4020 Pliers set, 3-piece Water pump pliers 250 (10“) 1224 Telephone pliers with bent jaws 200 (8“) 0238 Diagonal pliers 160 (6“) 0574 1 4022 1000 diagonal pliers according DIN ISO 5749 Cutting performance: special blade geometry, optimised hand power transmission and most suitable material quality ensure astonishingly low cutting forces all types cables and conductors. HRC), for hard, medium-hard and soft wire.5“) 0086 VWUDLJKWËDWZLGHMDZV 190 (7.5“) 0082 ËDWURXQGMDZV}DQJOHG 190 (7. Arched, horizontally and vertically ridged gripping surfaces, for all self-tapping metric screws from M6 160 0352 Image video problems solvers .58 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. The special head shape the pliers securely surrounds the screw head, thus loosening the screws which can longer removed with conventional tools. 160 0000 Screw pliers The patented 2-component screw pliers that have been awarded the Design Prize the ideal problem solver for embedded, dirty corrosion-damaged screws. Surface coating: Thanks new technological possibilities, the diagonal pliers are given double primer coat as ZHOODVDPRUHUHÌQHGVXUIDFHFRDWLQJWKDWHQVXUHVDKLJKOHYHORIZHDUUHVLVWDQFHDQGLPSURYHGFRUURVLRQ protection.5“) 0090 ËDWZLGHMDZV}DQJOHG 190 ( P S Design Size Article no. 1000 VURXQGQRVHSOLHUV ORQJËDWQRVHSOLHUV according DIN ISO 5745, single joint, ORQJURXQGMDZVMDZOHQJWKPPÌQHO\ULGJHGJULSSLQJVXUIDFHV 160 (6“) 0062 Engineering pliers without VDE-tested 1000 Volt protective insulation, with precision box joint for clearance-free, particularly durable guidance, jaw length mm, JULSSLQJVXUIDFHVZLWKÌQHDQJOHGFXW VWUDLJKWËDWURXQGMDZV 190 (7