CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
) • All foam inserts are half the size drawer for individual arrangement l1RQVOLSUHWHQWLRQWKDQNVWRKLJKFODPSLQJIRUFHDQGSUHFLVHÌW • Two-colour design enables quick overview missing tools • Foam modules can also ordered individually Trolley equipped 7502 &RQÌJXUH\RXURZQLQGLYLGXDOIRDPLQVHUW9HU\HDV\ZLWKWKH,766IRDPFRQÌJXUDWRUDWZZZFLPFRGH 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 y Works All tools in l7HQSUHFR • Tools orga • All foam in l1RQVOLSU • Two-colou • Foam mod Trolley eq .de Turntable for storage bins Rotating workshop and storage stand for holding 148 storage bins (depending the sizes the VHOHFWHGELQV :LWKYHUWLFDOURZV[VORWV VORWVIRUELQV,GHDOFRQÌJXUDWLRQHJ 48x bin 32x bin and 24x bin 104 bins) 48x bin 64x bin 112 bins) 32x bin 24x bin and 16x bin bins) 48x bin 4 Fast access all bins due rotating capability the tower, thanks highly resilient roller bearings, maximum load 450kg, weight kg Load (kg) Height Width Depth Tower empty 450 1600 655 655 2780 Workshop trolley, empty • Extremely robust and strong • Simple, convenient handling • Rounded contours and manufactured according national safety standards • ribbed rubber mat protects the top level • 100% pull-out drawers, mounted telescopic runners and lined with oil-resistant rubber mats • With central locking • side compartments for storing tools and auxiliary equipment, 6 which are movable l7ZRÌ[HGDQGWZRPRYDEOHRLOUHVLVWDQWUXEEHUZKHHOV¹PP (one which with locking brake) • Surface coating: powder coating RAL 3020 • Fitted with drawers (interior dimensions: 640 417 mm) 1 drawer: 665 445 mm 4 drawers: 665 445 mm 2 drawers: 665 445 168 mm Maximum load per drawer: kg • Total carrying weight maximum 280 kg • Dead weight: kg Trolley empty 7500 Workshop trolley, including tools All tools customised foam inserts for structured, secure storage your tools: l7HQSUHFRQÌJXUHG,766IRDPLQVHUWVLQFOXGLQJWRROV • Tools organised according area application (screwdrivers, pliers, screwing tools etc. Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco.S Design Size Article no