CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
That is why all CIMCO products are manufactured for wide range of applications and can adapted many different situations. Permanent innovations Constant optimisation and expansion our product range by useful innovations permanent feature our business strategy. Product quality Product quality .5 THE COMPLETE RANGE TOOLS FOR INDUSTRY AND THE ELECTRICAL TRADE Tested safety A great number electricians trade and industry place their trust quality tools from CIMCO every day. For example, all insulated tools are individually tested water bath 10,000 volts according the valid directives. One-stop-shopping thanks the enormous product range Do you know larger range hand tools for the electrical industry? don’t! This catalogue offers electrical wholesalers everything from single source, including all specialities, special sizes and latest products glance. CIMCO has completely automated this testing process deploying an industrial robot, probably the only manufacturer so worldwide. CIMCO thus always one step ahead the changing demands of the market! 7HUPVVXFKDVËH[LELOLW\DQGPRELOLW\DUHLQFUHDVLQJO\LPSRUWDQW in trade and electrical engineering professions and demand corresponding implementation the development tools. Sophisticated quality control The safety CIMCO tools can relied all times. dispenses with the need for large number individual suppliers and helps reduce your processing costs for purchasing, incoming goods, warehousing and accounting. For this reason, safety tools play important role in the company’s own production. Internally developed production techniques are used here manufacture special protective insulation