CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
perforated panels (CIMCO article no. 8347), without clips, handles and castors, weight 23. 8330), delivery incl.5 kg TRD 570 570 1600 9666 Castor and handle set for TRD tool rack 4 rubber rollers, with brakes, and screw-on handles turn the tool rack into portable tool board, ideal for workshops and manufacturing, weight the set 1. S S Perforated panels for SUPERCLIPS 0DGHRIVWURQJJDOYDQLVHGVWHHOVKHHWIRUKROGLQJDOOUDDFR683(5&/,36IRUPRXQWLQJRQWKHZDOO Ì[LQJZLWK dowels/screws) the TRD tool rack 520 440 8347 TRD tool rack for SUPERCLIPS Strong stand made steel sheet for holding perforated panels (CIMCO article no.Design Size Article no. 8347) for SUPERCLIPS slotted wall panels for raaco storage bins (CIMCO article no.8 kg 1 2369 Storage cabinets For free-standing installation, wall mounting (suspension holes for screws) and mounting turntables for storage cabinets (see pages 50+51), cabinet frame made from dark blue lacquered steel sheet, drawers made from wear-resistant, transparent polypropylene, with stop rim prevent drawers from sliding out unintentionally, possibility subdivide into small compartments with additional dividing walls, front surface for the attachment labels Storage cabinet series 150 Cabinet depth 150 mm, height 552 mm, width 306 mm, maximum load kg CABINET 60-00 ÌWWHGZLWKGUDZHUVW\SHZHLJKWNJ 1 8065 CABINET 48-01 ÌWWHGZLWKGUDZHUVW\SHZHLJKWNJ 1 7341 CABINET 24-02 ÌWWHGZLWKGUDZHUVW\SHZHLJKWNJ 1 7303 CABINET 08-03 ÌWWHGZLWKGUDZHUVW\SHZHLJKWNJ 1 7297 49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26