CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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, pockets different size for tools of any kind, ring binders for catalogues and other documents.e.8 185 7704 1000 slot-head screwdriver 6. for name tag, rivet-reinforced wide holder for hammer, pliers etc.2 285 7708 1000 Screwdriver crosshead 7731 1000 Screwdriver crosshead 100 7732 1000 Safety cable stripping knife, straight strong blade, blade length 1042 2360 385/70/290 0360 Tool and document bag for service technician 5130 1000 telephone pliers with straight jaws 200 mm, DIN ISO 5745 0216 1000 diagonal pliers 160 mm, DIN ISO 5749 0574 Super wire stripper 0760 Voltage tester 100-250 3., zip chest pocket for business cards, pocket with window, i.39 T S Weight External dimensions L/W/H Article no.5 185 7702 1000 slot-head screwdriver 4., zipped bag for small utensils.5 0.0 1., large back pocket with zips for small parts and documents, accessible from the left and right, comfortable padded shoulder straps, vest standard size, individually adjustable width.5 1.2 245 7706 1000 slot-head screwdriver 8.4 160 7701 1000 slot-head screwdriver 4. DIN document compartment the front with hook loop fastener the front, carrying handles.0 220 7705 1000 Screwdriver crosshead 7731 1000 Screwdriver crosshead 100 7732 1000 Screwdriver crosshead 7741 1000 Screwdriver crosshead 100 7742 Cable shears DUOCUT 160 mm, with two-stage cutting area 0108 Cable stripping knife with hook-shaped blade, 1010 3550 385/70/290 0996 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . 1300 385/70/290 5130 Tool assortment and document bag Tool and document bag for service technician 5130 1000 Telephone pliers with straight jaws 200 mm, DIN ISO 5745 8778 9&RPELQDWLRQSOLHUVZLWKËDWMDZVPP 8782 1000 high-leverage diagonal cutting pliers 200 mm, soft and hard wires 8784 1000 Wire stripper adjusting screw 160 mm, for conductors 0. DIN A-4 papers, elastic pen-holder, elastic holders different size for writing utensils, screwdrivers, small tools etc.0 0. Removable clipboard with the following features: clipboard max.8 185 7704 1000 slot-head screwdriver 5. 1000 480 660 5120 Tool and document bag Tool bag for service technicians, perfect for smaller maintenance and installation work, pockets for business cards, elastic holders for mobile phone, measuring tape, small tools etc.75 mm2 1 8790 1000 slot-head screwdriver 2. Tool vest Greater freedom isn’t possible! Tools always close hand and both hands are free! Numerous functional HTXLSPHQWGHWDLOVIRUSURIHVVLRQDOXVHSDGGHGSRFNHWIRUPRELOHSKRQHVJODVVHVHWFZLWKKRRN ORRSÌ[LQJ band and elastic holder for writing utensils, breast-pockets with hook loop fastening, which foldable with LQQHUSRFNHWVODUJHSDGGHGZDLVWEDJVIRUGLYHUVHWRROVZLWKKRRN ORRSIDVWHQLQJËDSVPDOOHODVWLF holders for writing utensils, drills screwdrivers etc.0 0.0 0.5 1.0/60 1280 1000 slot-head screwdriver 3