CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
5 PG 54.6 250 450 800 2000 20. 1100 1600 4000 Spindles, hand 2320 1100 1600 4000 Pumps, hand Quick adjustment 2322 600 1600 2000 Levers, hand 2324 800 2200 10000 Pumps, foot, Presetting by ratcheting the axle bearing shells Quick adjustment, mobile 2326 800 3200 10000 Pumps, foot, Presetting by ratcheting the axle bearing shells Quick adjustment, mobile 2328 Further hoists for cable drums weighing 20,000 available request. Diamond core drill 7380 112 X Impact core bits 7311 104 yes X T. Step drill ø Alloyed Unalloyed NF- Plastic mm dimension steel steel metals plywood 12.5 11.5 PG 59.5 1.5 12. hole saws 7714 112 X HSS bi-metal hole saws 7414 110 X Step drill 1200 104 X Sheet taper drill 1280 105 X Twist drill 0314 100 X Stone and concrete drill 1600 101 yes X Hammer drill 8100 103 yes X Multi-purpose drills 1880 103 X Cased drill 6306 X Cat.25 T X CIMCO article no.5 32.5 45.5 38.5 14.5 40.5 25.5 20.5 1.5 20.2 15.5 61. CIMCO recommends always having both types step drill, thread cutters and screw punchers hand.5 1. max.5 50.5 PG 37.5 PG 28.0 54.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 362 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco.5 10.8 1.5 52.5 PG 13. min.0 37.5 200 370 650 1650 Sheet taper drill ø Alloyed Unalloyed NF- Plastic mm steel steel metals plywood 3-14 600-400 800-500 2000-1500 3000-2000 6-20 500-200 700-400 1800-1000 2500-1500 16-30 200-100 400-200 1000- 500 1500-1000 25-40 100- 300-150 500- 300 1000- 500 36-52 80- 200-100 300- 200 600- 200 Cable drum hoists Cable drum max.4 1. The European standard DIN 50262 “Cable Glands for Electrical Instal- ODWLRQVkKDVEHHQYDOLGVLQFH-DQXDU\WKXVDEROLVKLQJWKH3*V\VWHP common Germany.g. aerated concrete Hard wood Soft wood Plastic Drywall e.5 360 650 1200 2900 15. .4 13.5 63.5 35.5 23.5 230 400 720 1800 22.0 59.5 PG 47.5 48. 5HFRPPHQGHGLQVWDOODWLRQERUHVIRUVFUHZHGFDEOHJODQGV 3*DQGPHWULF PG Thread Installation drill hole required Metric Installation drill hole required mm Thread Through-hole Core hole Thread Through-hole Core hole PG 12.4 1. page with hammer Holder Material STANDARD Hex SDS Granite Concrete Armoured concrete Clinker brick Masonry e.7 1. sand-lime brick Tiles Marble Natural stone Synthetic stone e.5 16.8 58 Working guide values with good lubrication 5HFRPPHQGHGUHYROXWLRQVSHUPLQ USP )RUERUHGLDPHWHUVQRWVSHFLÌHGVHOHFWFRUUHVSRQGLQJVSHHG&XWWLQJSHUIRUPDQFHDQGGXUDELOLW\DUHVLJQLÌFDQWO\LQFUHDVHGE\JRRG lubrication (drilling paste CIMCO article no.5 21. Rigips Aluminium Other non-ferrous metals Steel sheets VA steel sheets Keyword: new dimensions electrical installation.5 PG 15.5 30. The change provides advantages the user: - sizes are replaced with just metric sizes - With each metric size, sealing area achieved that approx. Electrical installation tubes, screwed cable glands, sockets, housings and cabinets are affected. 1307) and abiding the recommended speeds. Capacity/pair Operation Feature Article no.g.g.5 PG 18.T.C.5 18. 20% larger than with the size - The outer thread diameter can derived directly from the type designation (example: M16 outer diameter) During the transition period, both systems are available simultaneously (for replacement and repair installations).5 PG 22.2 300 540 960 2400 18.0 47.6 17.3 28