CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
Excellent sealing properties thanks the inner lining special hot melt adhesive, providing outstanding protection against water and moisture penetration.g. Supplied dispenser rolls, stable, environmentally friendly cardboard rolls, diameter approx.22 4316 1 1/2 39.4 2. The melting temperature the hot melt adhesive approx.357 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C S Design Article no.5 3. 500 °C, e. Thanks the shrinkage ratio particularly suitable for compensating for large differences diameter the object be shrink-wrapped, e.4 100 roll 4308 Heat shrink tube 1.0 3.22 4320 Hot air blower set robust and reliable device “Made Germany” for all standard applications with hot air max.0 13.5 25.2 6.22 4312 3/4 19.0 17.0 1.g.7 4.1 6.4 1. markedly contoured parts such coupling sleeves, plugs, and switches, well for covering a wide range applications with just few heat shrink tube sizes. air volume, Setting 500 and 500 litres/min. 300 550 mm (depending size heat shrink tube), core diameter approx.2 12.2 1.22 4314 1 25. air volume, wattage 1600 230 240 Volt, Hz, with strong rubber connecting cable, double overheating protection, suitable for manual and stand operation.22 4318 2 50.5 39.22 metre sections 3/8 9.5 1. Nominal-ø BEFORE shrinking Shrink range Length inch m 1/8 3.0 50.3 19. Weight 700 g Supply includes push-on nozzles: wide angle nozzle (for all-round even heat for soft-soldering thin copper pipes, IRUKHDWVKULQNLQJKHDWVKULQNWXEHVDQGIRUIRUPLQJ39&WXEHV VROGHULQJUHËHFWRUQR]]OH IRUVLPXOWDQHRXV soldering and shrinking soldering sleeves).7 1.1 1. mm, for industrial use particular.2 200 roll 4306 1/4 6. +70 +80 °C.4 8. Medium-walled black heat shrink tube, Shrinking ratio with internal adhesive +DORJHQIUHHPHGLXPZDOOHG\HWYHU\ËH[LEOHVWDQGDUGHOHFWULFDOKHDWVKULQNWXEHZLWKVKULQNDJHUDWLR VKULQNLQJFDSDFLW\GRZQWRDWKLUGRIWKHVSHFLÌHGLQWHUQDOGLDPHWHUEHIRUHKHDWVKULQNLQJ 7KDQNVWRRXWVWDQGLQJ mechanical stability and chemical resistance, this tube highly suitable for electrical insulation, bend and abrasion protection, damp protection for seals, for bundling, for strain relief and for marking electronics and electrical engineering, telecommunications, cable assembly, the automotive industry and many other areas.22 4310 1/2 12. 240 200 1351 .2 9. thawing water pipes, heat shrinking, drying and removing paint, plastic forming, soft-soldering, etc. With heat settings: Setting 300 and 240 litres/min.0 1