CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
8 185 7704 1000 slot-head screwdriver DIN 60900 5. Opening function 30° and 90° (side walls). 4200 400/470/270 0940 Tool backpack %DFNSDFNIRUWRROWUDQVSRUWDQGVWRUDJHVSHFLDOFRQÌJXUDWLRQGLYHUVLW\DQGKLJKTXDOLW\ZRUNPDQVKLSIRUSURIHVVLRQDOXVHSODVWLFEDFNVKHOOZLWKFRPIRUWSDGGLQJ adjustable, padded shoulder straps, adjustable lap belt, document compartment the front, numerous pockets, holding straps and removable inner pockets for tools, small parts, documents etc., carrying handle, strong bottom sliders, will carry weight. L/W/H1/H2/H Article no.0 0.0 220 7705 1000 Screwdriver crosshead test voltage DIN 7438 7731 1000 Screwdriver crosshead 100 DIN 7438 7732 1000 Screwdriver crosshead 7741 1000 Screwdriver crosshead 100 7742 Cable shears DUOCUT 160 mm, with two-stage cutting area 0108 Cable stripping knife with hook-shaped blade, 1010 3400 440/340/180 0420 Front tool wall with hook loop closure Rubber loop for spirit level Removable tool boards Plastic rear shell with comfort padding Double stitched Business card compartment on the rear side Holder for trolley on the rear side Numerous pockets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . Tool bag textil/woven fabric 0DGHRIKDUGZHDULQJSODVWLFIDEULFEDJFRYHUZLWKDGGLWLRQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUHYHQGLVWULEXWLRQRIWKHORDGVWURQJSODVWLFËRRUVOLGHUVPDNHVXUHLWLVVWDEOHWKH water and dirt resistant plastic coating the bottom makes easy clean, additional elastic straps the lid, numerous tool insertion straps, trolley holder DQGEXVLQHVVFDUGKROGHURQWKHEDFNSUDFWLFDOWRROVHJPHQWVWRËH[LEO\KROGWRROVRQWKHPLGGOHZDOOODWHUDOORRSVIRUWKHVKRXOGHUVWUDSV LQFOXGHGLQWKH scope delivery).5 185 7702 1000 slot-head screwdriver DIN 60900 4.5 1.0/60 1280 1000 slot-head screwdriver DIN 60900 3. L/W/H Internal dim.35 T S Design Weight External dim.0 0. 2300 440/340/180 0430 Tool assortment backpack Tool backpack 0430 1000 telephone pliers with straight jaws 200 mm, DIN ISO 5745 0216 1000 diagonal pliers 160 mm, DIN ISO 5749 0574 Wire strippers Super 0760 Voltage tester 100-250 3