CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 343 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
0 100 2710 Spring lock washers according DIN 127, form (smooth), galvanised spring steel, steel For screws Outer mm M 6.3 100 2602 M 5.6 100 2752 M 9. thread ø For screws Inner Outer mm M 4.0 100 2608 Washers according ISO 7093, 27093 and DIN 9021N (mudguard washers), steel, galvanised, outer diameter approx.2 100 2700 M 4.4 100 2704 M 8. 7KUHDGHGURGV WKUHDGHGEROWV according DIN 976, steel, galvanised, Length 1000 mm ø mm 4 1104 5 1105 6 1106 8 1108 10 1110 12 1112 Hex nuts according ISO 4032, 24032 and DIN 934, galvanised steel, Grade 8 ø For hex key size M Size 5.5 100 2708 M 13.4 100 2652 M 8.3 100 2703 M 6.3 100 2650 M 5.1 100 2762 .5 100 2656 Serrated washers according DIN 6798, form with external teeth, steel, galvanised For screws Inner Outer mm M 3.4 100 2706 M 10.4 100 2604 M 8.5 100 2000 M Size 100 2001 M Size 100 2002 M Size 100 2003 M Size 100 2005 M Size 100 2006 M Size 2007 Washers according ISO 7089, 27089, and DIN 125, form without chamfer, galvanised steel For screws Inner Outer mm M 3.2 100 2600 M 4.2 100 2750 M 7.3 100 2702 M 5.8 100 2758 M 18.1 100 2760 M 21.3 100 2603 M 6.2 100 2754 M 11.4 100 2606 M 10.5 100 2607 M 13.4 100 2654 M 10.343 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 S S Design Article no.8 100 2756 M 14.3 100 2651 M 6