CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 326 z 388

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 326 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco.0 450 140 445 6138 7.0 200 890 100 6142 C S Design Article no. Temperature resistant: Steel -80°C +538°C; Polyester -80°C +150°C Width Length Bundle Minimal tensile strength mm N 7.0 0. 1. Hook loop tape belt with synthetic eyelet made woven polyamide, two colours red/black facilitate use, belt end without hook open the tie quickly, suitable for 10,000 tie openings, tensile strength 260 N/cm, thickness approx. 200 actuations.4 mm, self-adhesive “back-to-back”, suitable for approx. slipping sliding effect when tie pulled tight. Apart from the standard colour black, also available in white, red, blue, green, yellow. SLE steel ties Ladder cable ties made stainless steel AISI 316, self-locking with locking mesh, non-releasable.30 12. (the minimum tensile load given valid with least band overlap), silicone- and halogen-free.g. Please enquire about minimum order quantity, delivery time approx.0 360 100 890 100 6144 12.0 750 230 890 6150 +RRN ORRSWLHV +RRN ORRSWDSHFDEOHWLHVDQGUHWDLQLQJVWULSV Areas application: )RUEXQGOLQJIDVWHQLQJDIÌ[LQJDQGPDQ\RWKHUXVHV(VSHFLDOO\VXLWDEOHIRUWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRIVHQVLWLYHFDEOHV QHWZRUNFDEOLQJWHOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQVÌEUHRSWLFFDEOHV DQGZKHQHYHUIUHTXHQWFORVLQJDQGRSHQLQJRIWKHWLHVLV required (e.0 360 105 445 100 6136 7. Hook loop ties with tab, cut binding lengths for common electrical installations Width Length mm mm 7 200 1910 13 200 1912 16 300 1914 NEW .0 300 445 100 6134 7.0 610 185 890 6148 12. weeks.0 150 445 100 6130 7.0 225 445 100 6132 7. Special product features: 6RIWËH[LEOHVXUIDFHIRUPLQLPXPSUHVVXUHRQFDEOHEXQGOHVDYRLGVXQLQWHQWLRQDOGDPDJHRIFDEOHVGXHWRVKDUSRU KDUGHGJHVHYHQDQGËXVKFRQWDFWRYHUWKHHQWLUHFLUFXPIHUHQFHRIWKHFDEOHEXQGOHKRRN ORRSFORVXUHWHFKQLTXH adheres any position, easy open and close, quick installation without the use tools, high tensile and shearing strength, adjustable, multiple-use, low wear for long service life, durable, non-fading colours, washable with risk of damage, light-resistant, UV-resistant and sweat- resistant, waterproof and resistant saltwater, wastage during use, range dimensions. Width Length mm mm 25 240 1900 25 300 1902 25 360 1904 Hook loop tape made black, extruded polyamide velour laminate, tensile strength min. pre-assembly cable harnesses).0 610 190 445 6140 12.0 450 135 890 6146 12.35 mm. 120 N/cm, thickness approx.0 0. Approvals: DNV-GL, Lloyds Register, UL; steel thickness 7. Coated with black polyester, UV-stabilised and halogen-free, anti-magnetic, resistant to corrosion and radiation, extremely resistant high temperatures and aggressive chemicals