CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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factor ten, for years when used correctly. acids, alkalis, oxidising agents, metal salt solutions, oils, fats), weatherproof, does QRWDEVRUEZDWHUKHDWVWDEOHDQGËDPHUHWDUGDQW 8/9 RSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUH}&WR}&WKH LGHDOWLHIRUXVHLQQXFOHDUSRZHUSODQWVWKHFKHPLFDOLQGXVWU\UHÌQHULHVHWF Width Length Cable harness Minimal tensile strength mm N 4. Colour milk white.5 200 220 100 1754 4. They will eventually crack following continuous exposure. The addition special carbons increases the service life UV-resistant cable ties approx. Width Length Cable harness Minimal tensile strength mm N 3.0 338 320 100 1489 Detectable cable ties &DEOHWLHVGHYHORSHGHVSHFLDOO\IRUIRRGRUSKDUPDFHXWLFDOLQGXVWU\GHWHFWDEOHGXHWRDGGHGPHWDOÌOLQJVZKLFK mean even the smallest fragments can detected with metal detector x-ray machine.5 280 220 100 1756 4. They are also cold-resistant -40 °C.5 200 216 100 1712 280 100 1713 360 101 100 1714 7. Flammability class HB, temperature resistant: -25 +65 °C, colour code blue. Flammability rating according UL 94 HB, colour black (RAL 9011).5 360 101 588 100 1716 UV and cold-resistant cable ties Continual exposure radiation and cold causes standard cable ties become brittle.5 360 101 470 100 1734 TEFZEL® cable ties &DEOHWLHVPDGHIURPHWK\OHQHWHWUDËXRUHWK\OHQHFRSRO\PHU9HU\KLJKUHVLVWDQFHWR89UDGLDWLRQUDGLRDFWLYLW\ many aggressive chemicals (incl.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 322 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco. These cable ties are thus ideal for outdoor use and continuously low temperatures. Width Length Bundle Minimal tensile strength mm N 2. Width Length Cable harness Minimal tensile strength mm N 3.5 158 100 1720 4.5 100 100 1750 3. Width Length Cable harness Minimal tensile strength mm N 3.5 140 2.5 380 110 220 100 1758 7.8 186 100 100 1487 360 104 100 100 1488 C S Design Article no.6, halogen and silicone-free, self-extinguishing.5 140 180 100 1752 4.5 140 2.6 without recycling content, colour pale green.5 140 2. Base material pure polyamide 6.5 200 194 100 1722 280 100 1723 360 101 100 1724 7. Heat-resistant cable ties special additives the raw material create permanently temperature-resistant cable ties +130 °C, properties otherwise the same standard cable ties, basic material pure polyamide 6.5 176 100 1710 4.5 360 101 550 100 1760 NEW .5 360 101 529 100 1726 Flame-resistant, self-extinguishing cable ties IRUXVHLQDUHDVUHTXLULQJHVSHFLDOO\KLJKËDPHUHWDUGDQWSURSHUWLHV)ODPHUHWDUGDQWDFFRUGLQJWR8/97KH ËDPHUHWDUGDQWPDWHULDOPXVWQRWEXUQORQJHUWKDQVHFRQGVQRULJQLWHFRPEXVWLEOHPDWHULDOVXQGHUQHDWKLW Halogen-free, can used temperature range –20 +80 °C.5 140 100 1728 280 100 1731 360 101 100 1732 7