CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 313 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
0 mm, cable diameter: 5.0 mm2 , $:* FRQWDFWW\SHVWDPSUROOFRQWDFWQRPLQDOYROWDJH9'& nominal current: °C, contact resistance: Ohm, protection class: 67, WHPSHUDWXUHUDQJH}&}&FHUWLÌFDWLRQ7 9 1 0003 .5 4. 6SHFLÌFDWLRQV 2. 7KH&,0&2FRQQHFWRUV\VWHPLVFRPSDWLEOHZLWKWKH0&PDUNHWVWDQGDUGDQGÌWV all common solar cables from 2.5 mm2 Consisting MC3 plug and socket adapter system, including plastic housing; each package contains plug- crimp contacts well plastic housing and socket–crimp contact well plastic housing.5 mm2 to mm2 . Consisting plug and socket connection system, including plastic housing; each package contains 100 connector- crimp contacts well plastic housing polythene bag and 100 connector–crimp contacts as well plastic housing polythene bag.5 mm2 , voltage range: 1000 current capacity: mm2 , mm2 ), contact resistance the connector system: m1, diameter the plug contact: mm, protection class: 67, temperature range: -40 / +85 °C, insulation material: PC/PA, contact material: copper, silver-plated, VDIHW\FODVV,,FHUWLÌFDWLRQ7 9FULPSLQJUDQJHmPP2 100 0000 Photovoltaic MC3 adapter system Adapter set for plugging onto MC3 contacts, for crimping with MC4-compatible tools 1.0 mm, cable cross section: 1.0 8.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 313 S S Service case NETZWERKTECHNIK I -CARRY-LITE service case containing: DATA STRIP insulation stripper 0092 ECONOMY insertion tool 8017 Crimping pliers pin, unshielded 6200 Crimping pliers pin, shielded 6201 0RGXODUSOXJSLQ5-XQVKLHOGHG 100 3000 0RGXODUSOXJSLQ5-XQVKLHOGHG 100 3004 0RGXODUSOXJSLQ5-XQVKLHOGHGIRUËH[LEOHFRQGXFWRUV 3008 0RGXODUSOXJSLQ5-VKLHOGHG 3012 Anti-kink sleeves for modular plugs, black 3020 Anti-kink sleeves for modular plug, red 3022 413 330 1300 Service case NETZWERKTECHNIK II -CARRY-LITE service case containing: 0RGXODUSOXJSLQ5-XQVKLHOGHG 100 3000 0RGXODUSOXJSLQ5-XQVKLHOGHG 100 3004 0RGXODUSOXJSLQ5-XQVKLHOGHGIRUËH[LEOHFRQGXFWRUV 3008 0RGXODUSOXJSLQ5-VKLHOGHG 3012 Anti-kink sleeves for modular plugs, black 3020 Anti-kink sleeves for modular plug, red 3022 Roll hook loop tape, wide long, black 1922 413 330 1302 Photovoltaic connector system Using this new photovoltaic connector saves time and effort the construction site. 6SHFLÌFDWLRQV Pin dimensions: 3