CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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0 consisting of: battery-operated hydraulic basic tool, carrying case, battery charger and two batteries cutting head mm 1 6324 Battery-operated hydraulic punching tool GENiUS 2.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 271 C S Design Article no.0 1 4312 Replacement rechargeable battery GENiUS 2. Battery-operated hydraulic crimping tool GENiUS 2. Other inserts can supplied request 1 5705 .0, but here with permanently mounted crimping head, suitable for crimping connection material maximum conductor cross section 300 mm2.0 consisting of: battery-operated hydraulic basic tool, carrying case, battery charger and two batteries hole punching head 1 6326 Battery-operated hydraulic crimping and cutting tool GENiUS 2. Features: • Foldable crimping head, can rotated through 270° Weight with case 8,200 weight without case 3,550 g • Without crimping inserts Operating pressure: 700 bar (70MPa) • Max.0 consisting of: battery-operated hydraulic basic tool, carrying case, battery charger and two batteries crimping head 300 mm2 1 6321 Battery-operated hydraulic cutting tool GENiUS 2. travel: Scope supply: basic tool case with storage • Crimping force: possibility for crimping inserts, battery charger, batteries Additional inserts that can supplied Scope application Cross section range (mm2 ): Tubular cable lugs and connectors “standard design” 300 Compression cable lugs and compression connectors DIN 46235 DIN 46267, part 300 Aluminium cable lugs and connectors 300 Rounding inserts for aluminium and copper sector-shaped conductors 10sm 300se/240sm Crimping cable lugs DIN 46234 pin-type cable lugs DIN 46230 70 Wire end ferrules 240 Twin wire end ferrules 16 For crimping inserts see catalogue page 230.0 5HFKDUJHDEOHEDWWHU\WHFKQRORJ\9/L,RQ$K 4314 5HFKDUJHDEOHEDWWHU\WHFKQRORJ\9/L,RQ$K 4313 Reading unit for documentation 1 4315 Mains adapter 230 Volt 1 4311 +\GUDXOLFEDWWHU\RSHUDWHGFULPSLQJWRROXSWRN1 PP2 Same technical features the hydraulic system Genius 2.0 consisting of: battery-operated hydraulic basic tool, carrying case, battery charger and two batteries crimping head 300 mm2 cutting head mm 1 6330 Battery charger GENiUS 2