CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Fitted with document compartment, an ergonomic two-component handle and folding closures for optional padlocking. The extremely wide and strong handles pieces) with particularly SOHDVDQWIHHOPDNHLWHDVLHUWRFDUU\RUUROODORQJZLWKWKHDGGLWLRQDOWUROOH\IXQFWLRQZKLFKFDQEHVHFXUHGE\ORFNLQJWKHKDQGOHVLQSODFH7KHFDVHLVÌWWHGZLWK 2 tool boards the upper shell the case (lid) and two more tool boards the lower shell the case. Case empty 14500 490/630/300 380/500/180/50/230 0090 Unique tool clamping Handle with soft rubber insert Gas struts Especially high feet for more ground clearance Multi-stage locking trolley pullout The trolley handle can be locked both the lower and the upper position Manual valve for pressure compensation, name plate can only changed when case open Clip fasteners the side and the front protect the case 67. Extension height 110 with two stabile castors. The second tool board the bottom shell is secured spaced distance the lower one metal brackets. addition that, the case secured with locks and positions around the handle areas, protected with shackle locks prevent unauthorised removal tools. The seal ring which runs around the periphery the lid protects the contents this very durable and rugged case. Can used with padlocks secure the case NEW NEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . compensate for positive pressure, the case is equipped with hand valve. To compensate for positive pressure, the case was equipped with hand valve. Resistant acids and temperatures 33°C/+90°C. protects its contents from water and dust, air-tight, acid-resistant, pressure-resistant, shock-proof and almost indestructible. The lower tool board the bottom shell laying a stable position partitions and the individual small parts sections thanks additional reinforcement the edge. The name plate can only replaced when the case open. Case shells have two additional aluminium frames for absolute torsional stiffness. 8177, including 4-stage extendable trolley system for the greatest possible mobility. The acid-resistant bolts the hinge and lock area, together with the integrated rubber seal, provide the case with protection rating. 8 options around the handle areas. Case empty 6500 445/345/190 0092 Gigant trolley tool case set The case originally designed for the military especially suitable for punishing everyday use. Plastic supports the case provide increased stability. Case empty 8100 440/498/270 340/420/50/100/150 8178 Gigant tool case Dust- and waterproof tool case according 67, stackable, break and shock-proof.27 H S Design Weight External dim L/W/H Intl. Toolbox DIAMANT with trolley function corresponds CIMCO article no. dim L/W/H1/H2/H Article no