CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
262 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. 6012 (for wire end ferrules from 0.5 mm2 to mm2 ) and CIMCO article no.5 mm2 to mm2 or AWG AWG indent crimp (N) 1 Pair 6011 for insulated and non-insulated wire end ferrules from 0.5 mm2 to mm2 ) and CIMCO article no.5 mm2 to mm2 respectively AWG AWG trapezoid crimp (B) 1 Pair 6012 for insulated and non-insulated wire end ferrules from mm2 to mm2 respectively AWG AWG trapezoid-indent FULPS RSWLPLVHGFULPSVKDSHSDUWLFXODUO\VXLWDEOHIRUWKLQQHGRXWÌQHO\VWUDQGHGFRQGXFWRUVDFFRUGLQJWR,(& 1 Pair 6014 for insulated and non-insulated wire end ferrules mm2 and mm2 , trapezoid-indent crimp (D1), optimised crimp VKDSHSDUWLFXODUO\VXLWDEOHIRUWKLQQHGRXWÌQHO\VWUDQGHGFRQGXFWRUVDFFRUGLQJWR,(& 1 Pair 6071 Product video click 'n' crimp IS Q R ZAE AE ZAE AE ZAE AE . Tool body made of strong, specially tempered, hardened sheet steel, with leverage transfer for reduced use manual force, adjustable ratchet mechanism with automatic release for standard-compliant crimping pressure, ergonomic FRPSRQHQWKDQGOHVOHHYHVFRPSOHWHO\HTXLSSHGZLWKKDUGHQHGSUHFLVLRQFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV :HLJKWLQFOXGLQJFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVRQO\J click ’n’ crimp sets click ’n’ crimp available standard sets, consisting the crimping pliers ERG\DQGWKHWKUHHPRVWIUHTXHQWO\XVHGFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV for particular application: click ’n’ crimp ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ZLWKFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV&,0&2DUWLFOHQR IRULQVXODWHGFDEOHOXJVIURPPP2 to mm2 ), CIMCO article no.5 mm2 to mm2 resp. 6011 (for non-insulated cable lugs C S Design Size Article no. 6017 (for unshielded 8-pole modular plugs) and CIMCO article no. &ULPSLQJSOLHUVZLWKLQWHUFKDQJHDEOHFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVÌ[HGE\DFDWFKKROGHULQWKHWRROERG\WKXV RIIHULQJSURÌOHFKDQJHLQVHFRQGVZLWKRXWWKHDLGRIDQ\RWKHUWRROV7ZRIXUWKHUFULPSLQJSURÌOHVQRWFXUUHQWO\ in use are held captive the two integral magazine holders the legs the pliers. 6019 (for shielded 8-pole modular plugs, CIMCO design and similar) 1 6009 click ’n’ crimp SOLAR TECHNOLOGY ZLWKFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV&,0&2DUWLFOHQR IRULQVXODWHGFDEOHOXJVIURPPP2 to mm2 ), CIMCO article no. 6027 (for solar plug connectors type from 2.5 mm2 to mm2 ) and CIMCO article no.5 mm2 to mm2 ) 1 6000 click ’n’ crimp AUTOMOTIVE ZLWKFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV&,0&2DUWLFOHQR IRULQVXODWHGFDEOHOXJVIURPPP2 to mm2 ), CIMCO article no. 6011 (for non-insulated cable lugs 0. 6028 (for solar plug connectors type from 2. AWG AWG 10, oval crimp (W) 1 Pair 6010 for non-insulated cable lugs from 0.5 mm2 to mm2 ) 1 6052 FOLFNiQiFULPSFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV click ’n’ crimp can assembled according the user’s individual requirements: FOLFNiQiFULPSFULPSLQJSOLHUVERGLHVZLWKRXWFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV 1 6005 FOLFNiQiFULPSFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV LQSDLUVFRQVLVWLQJRIXSSHUDQGORZHUSURÌOHMDZ for insulated cable lugs red blue yellow from 0.5 mm2 to mm2 ) 1 6002 click ’n’ crimp DATA NETWORK TECHNOLOGY ZLWKFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV&,0&2DUWLFOHQR IRU%1&71&FRD[LDOSOXJFRQQHFWRUV CIMCO article no. 6013 (for blade receptacles and blade terminals with open crimping ears from 0