CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
AWG AWG 10, oval crimp (W) 1 Pair 6010 for non-insulated cable lugs from 0. 6017 (for unshielded 8-pole modular plugs) and CIMCO article no.5 mm2 to mm2 ) 1 6000 click ’n’ crimp AUTOMOTIVE ZLWKFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV&,0&2DUWLFOHQR IRULQVXODWHGFDEOHOXJVIURPPP2 to mm2 ), CIMCO article no. Tool body made of strong, specially tempered, hardened sheet steel, with leverage transfer for reduced use manual force, adjustable ratchet mechanism with automatic release for standard-compliant crimping pressure, ergonomic FRPSRQHQWKDQGOHVOHHYHVFRPSOHWHO\HTXLSSHGZLWKKDUGHQHGSUHFLVLRQFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV :HLJKWLQFOXGLQJFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVRQO\J click ’n’ crimp sets click ’n’ crimp available standard sets, consisting the crimping pliers ERG\DQGWKHWKUHHPRVWIUHTXHQWO\XVHGFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV for particular application: click ’n’ crimp ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ZLWKFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV&,0&2DUWLFOHQR IRULQVXODWHGFDEOHOXJVIURPPP2 to mm2 ), CIMCO article no.5 mm2 to mm2 ) and CIMCO article no. &ULPSLQJSOLHUVZLWKLQWHUFKDQJHDEOHFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWVÌ[HGE\DFDWFKKROGHULQWKHWRROERG\WKXV RIIHULQJSURÌOHFKDQJHLQVHFRQGVZLWKRXWWKHDLGRIDQ\RWKHUWRROV7ZRIXUWKHUFULPSLQJSURÌOHVQRWFXUUHQWO\ in use are held captive the two integral magazine holders the legs the pliers. 6019 (for shielded 8-pole modular plugs, CIMCO design and similar) 1 6009 click ’n’ crimp SOLAR TECHNOLOGY ZLWKFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV&,0&2DUWLFOHQR IRULQVXODWHGFDEOHOXJVIURPPP2 to mm2 ), CIMCO article no.5 mm2 to mm2 ) and CIMCO article no. 6028 (for solar plug connectors type from 2.5 mm2 to mm2 resp.5 mm2 to mm2 ) 1 6002 click ’n’ crimp DATA NETWORK TECHNOLOGY ZLWKFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV&,0&2DUWLFOHQR IRU%1&71&FRD[LDOSOXJFRQQHFWRUV CIMCO article no.5 mm2 to mm2 or AWG AWG indent crimp (N) 1 Pair 6011 for insulated and non-insulated wire end ferrules from 0. 6012 (for wire end ferrules from 0.5 mm2 to mm2 ) and CIMCO article no.262 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. 6011 (for non-insulated cable lugs 0. 6011 (for non-insulated cable lugs 0. 6027 (for solar plug connectors type from 2.5 mm2 to mm2 respectively AWG AWG trapezoid crimp (B) 1 Pair 6012 for insulated and non-insulated wire end ferrules from mm2 to mm2 respectively AWG AWG trapezoid-indent FULPS RSWLPLVHGFULPSVKDSHSDUWLFXODUO\VXLWDEOHIRUWKLQQHGRXWÌQHO\VWUDQGHGFRQGXFWRUVDFFRUGLQJWR,(& 1 Pair 6014 for insulated and non-insulated wire end ferrules mm2 and mm2 , trapezoid-indent crimp (D1), optimised crimp VKDSHSDUWLFXODUO\VXLWDEOHIRUWKLQQHGRXWÌQHO\VWUDQGHGFRQGXFWRUVDFFRUGLQJWR,(& 1 Pair 6071 Product video click 'n' crimp IS Q R ZAE AE ZAE AE ZAE AE .de C S Design Size Article no.5 mm2 to mm2 ) 1 6052 FOLFNiQiFULPSFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV click ’n’ crimp can assembled according the user’s individual requirements: FOLFNiQiFULPSFULPSLQJSOLHUVERGLHVZLWKRXWFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV 1 6005 FOLFNiQiFULPSFULPSLQJSURÌOHLQVHUWV LQSDLUVFRQVLVWLQJRIXSSHUDQGORZHUSURÌOHMDZ for insulated cable lugs red blue yellow from 0. 6013 (for blade receptacles and blade terminals with open crimping ears from 0