CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
256 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco. III Type 4B+5B +6B, antistatic, virus protection test according EU Standard 14126 L 5026 XL 5028 XXL 5030 Overall white Disposable overall with pleasant light wearing comfort, protects against liquid mist, minor liquid splashes and DLUERUQHVROLGSDUWLFOHVZLWK]LSHODVWLFLQVHUWVRQKRRGZDLVWZULVWVDQGDQNOHV&(FHUWLÌHG7\SH%%&DW,,, EN14126 antistatic and breathable, lint-free and abrasion proof. Design with normal visor (length: mm) Navy blue 0190 Royal blue 0192 Black 0194 Grey 0196 Design with shortened visor (length: mm) Navy blue 0191 Royal blue 0193 Black 0195 Grey 0197 NEW NEW NEW . 1 roll 5007 Standard non-woven cover Absorbent non-woven cotton 180 g/m2 1 non-woven material coated with non-slip membrane for the SURWHFWLRQRIVHQVLWLYHVXUIDFHVDQGVPRRWKËRRUVHDV\WRFXWWRVL]HDQGOD\UHXVDEOH 1 roll 5010 Overshoes Ideal for all areas application, for the prevention dirt and damage caused fitters work shoes, permeable to air and water vapour, anti-static, abrasion-resistant, lint-free, colour: white ËDW 0235 ËDWZLWKRXWVROH 0236 Unsterile, can worn both feet, rectangular shape, elasticated opening, hammered film (anti-slip effect), free from formaldehyde and chlorine, colour: blue ËDW 100 0229 Overall white/orange Disposable overall with pleasant light wearing comfort, protects against liquid mist, minor liquid splashes and airborne solid particles, good visibility due clearly contrasting orange seams, with zip, hood, arms and legs are closed with elastic band, complies with W S Design Size Article no., easy cut size and lay, re-usable. Made microfibre (40° machine washable), head size can adjusted individually, high wearing comfort, weight: 200 g. L 5032 XL 5034 XXL 5036 Bump cap FIRSTBASE according 812 Removable ABS plastic shells bump and head protection minimise the impact unintended head bumps. Non-slip non-woven cover Absorbent, non-woven material coated with non-slip membrane for the protection sensitive surfaces and smooth marble, wood (parquet, boards), plastic, laminate, carpet and similar types floors, prevents the seeping through paints, dilutions, oil, adhesives, plaster, etc