CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 229 z 388

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Contents: Insulating bench (case base) - Insulated telescopic pole (45 kV) - Rescue hook with voltage indicator (127 kV) - Cable cutter (36 kV) - Pair insulated boots (20 kV) size 44 - Bottle talcum powder - Adhesive tape yellow/black ,QIRUPDWLRQVLJQ ÌUVWDLGPHDVXUHV - Electrical safety gloves (class 26. shoe size Interior length 280 300 300 Pair 0227 300 320 320 Pair 0228 Overall white orange Disposable overalls, comfortable and light wear, protects against liquid vapour, minor liquid sprays and airborne solid particles, good visibility via clearly visible orange seams, with zipper, hood, arms and legs are closed off by a rubber band, meets Cat. The galoshes serve comparable replacement for position insulation 1000 1500 DC. For sole length approx.g.).1999 class 0 Shoe size 42 Pair 0219 43 Pair 0220 44 Pair 0221 46 Pair 0222 Insulating overshoes 7KHFRPIRUWDEOHDOWHUQDWLYHWRUXEEHUERRWV)RUHQHUJLVHGHOHFWULFDOZRUNLQGRRUVRQÌUPJURXQG (e. III Type Typ 4B+5B +6B, anti-static, viral protection test according standard 14126 Size L 5026 XL 5028 XXL 5030 Overall white Disposable overall with pleasant light wearing comfort, protects against liquid mist, minor liquid splashes and DLUERUQHVROLGSDUWLFOHVZLWK]LSHODVWLFLQVHUWVRQKRRGZDLVWZULVWVDQGDQNOHV&(FHUWLÌHG7\SH%%&DW,,, EN14126 anti-static and breathable, lint-free and abrasion-resistant Size L 5032 XL 5034 XXL 5036 Portable rescue case kV specially designed for electrical safety interventions (rescue actions involving electrical cars, etc. 1000 safety handle according VDE 0680/4, with anti-slip protection and protective guard smooth, impregnated leather.229 I ) Design Size Article no., while working your knees). Use wet conditions, ladders and outdoors, especially cable trenches not permitted, nor is work where earth contact with other body parts cannot ruled out (e. For fuses sizes 00-3 1 0210 Electrician boots premium safety boots made PVC-nitrile mixture, tested according 345-SB. Case cover serves simultaneously insulating stool prevent direct contact with the medium during rain (personal protection). Comfortable and quick attachment normal shoes via hook loop fasteners the front area along with snap-in strap for the heal, type tested the basis DIN 321.5 kV, size 9) - Transport bag with karabiner hook 570 240 0366 NEW NEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ., energised meter changes, meter disconnection activities, work interior cable distributors). 50321.g