CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 227 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
and EN 511, one size 10/11 1 Pair 0233 NITRILE SURWHFWLYHJORYHVZLWKËH[LEOHQLWULOHFRDWLQJDFFRUGLQJWR(1FDW,,7 9DQG*6WHVWHGZLWKWULFRWOLQLQJDQG knitted cotton cuff, good wet and dry gripping properties, liquid- and oil-resistant, very sturdy, machine washable, DQDWRPLFDOÌW 1 Pair 0234 SOFT FDWHJRU\,,(1ZDVKDEOHHUJRQRPLFÌWJRRGJULSRQJUHDV\DQGRLO\SDUWVH[WUHPHO\JRRGVHQVHRIWRXFK freedom movement, excellent mechanical stability, long service life 9 Pair 0290 10 Pair 0292 11 Pair 0294 Skinny Soft Q\ORQJORYHVLQJUH\ZLWK38FRDWLQJDQGNQLWWHGFXIISDUWFRDWHGRQSDOPDQGÌQJHUV according 388 9 Pair 1260 10 Pair 1261 11 Pair 1262 NEW NEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .227 I ) Design Size Article no. Reusable ear plugs with linear damping, contact the surrounding environment retained (good speech intelligibility) despite this, SUHYHQWVKDUPIXOQRLVHH[SRVXUHH[FHOOHQWÌWIRUORZQRLVHOHYHODUHD LQVXODWLRQYDOXH615 removable strap 1 Pair 0280 Fine dust mask FFP1 SURWHFWLRQIURPVROLGSDUWLFOHVRILQHUWVXEVWDQFHVDFFRUGLQJWR',1(1SURWHFWLRQOHYHO))3 SDUWLFOHÌOWHU FODVV3',1 &(FHUWLÌHGOLJKWJHQWOHWRWKHVNLQZLWKORZEUHDWKLQJUHVLVWDQFHDGMXVWDEOHUXEEHUEDQG individually wrapped 1 0282 Fine dust mask FFP2 protection class FFP2, 0194, 149:2001+A1:2009, Latex, PVC and silicone-free, with rubber band and breath valve 1 0284 Fine dust mask FFP3 robust and comfortable, with climate valve, protection level 149:2001+A1:2009 1 1280 ÌQJHUZRUNJORYHV STANDARD made split pigskin, smoothed, glove back made cotton, one size 10/11 1 Pair 0230 PROFI made full pigskin, glove back made cotton, lined, one size 10/11 1 Pair 0232 Winter-Worker made full pigskin, smoothed, glove back made cotton, with thermal lining, according 388 cat