CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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1000 electrician and industrial hardhats light and modern head protection according DIN 397, made HDPE (polyethylene), with ventilation holes, electric insulation 440 AC, 1000 connection with face guard, longer the back provide neck protection, with hygienic towelling sweatband, rain channels and side slots for attaching ear eye protection, ratcheting headband, 8-point interior webbing, for head sizes 50-66 cm, 310 g Colour yellow 0200 blue 0201 white 0202 red 0203 5HËHFWLYHKHOPHWVWLFNHU The sticker was designed increase the visibility the wearer low-light conditions well the GDUN:HDWKHUSURRIVHOIDGKHVLYHKLJKO\ËH[LEOHÌOPDVZHOODVH[FHOOHQWUHVLVWDQFHWRFRUURVLYHDQG solvent substances. silver 1253 red 1254 yellow 1255 Orange 1256 Green 1257 Blue 1258 2-point chin strap made elastic material to attach electrician hardhat.g.g. 1 0268 1000 face guard according DIN 166 combined with the electrician hardhat, complete protection over the whole facial DUHDLQFOXGLQJHDUVIURPËDPHDUFVDUFËDVKHVFDXVHGE\VKRUWFLUFXLWOLTXLGVSUD\VDQGRWKHUGDPDJHWUDQVSDUHQW and colourless, protective shield can folded up clear glass 0204 1000 face guard same CIMCO article no. 0204, however with edge protection due beading tape and symmetrical short circuit value kA clear glass 0207 1000 electrician protective face hood DFFRUGLQJWR',1(1XVHDVDUFËDVKIDFHSURWHFWLRQZLWKHDUSURWHFWLRQGXULQJVKRUWWHUPVZLWFKLQJ activities well other energised work (e., distributor cabinets, home junction boxes, during meter changes, pulling and installing fuses, creating T-socket, etc.), not used with energised work non- insulated, overhead lines and equipment with risk contact active parts, type and tested 1 0206 Safety glasses EXPLORER according 166 5-3. Ensures secure hold e. high wind, when working height.1 1F Base model with clear protective lens, scratch-resistant 1 0205 Safety glasses SUNDOWNER according 166 1 black frame, clear lens, scratch-resistant, anti-fog 1 0208 NEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .225 I ) Design Size Article no. etc