CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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0 100 4872 5.216 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco. Scope delivery per 1x: • Replacement blade for slot-head screws Replacement blade for crosshead screws 3. VDE torque screwdriver set, piece The torque adjusted without additional tools and the locking mechanism prevents unintentional adjustment.5 100 4874 6.5 0. Scope delivery per 1x: • Replacement blade for slot-head screws Replacement blade for crosshead screws 2.5 1.5 1. The torque limiting mechanism takes effect when tightening as well loosening the screw.6 100 Rotating cap for replacement blade 4. Screwdriver handle and replacement blades are insulated 1,000 according IEC 60900 and GS (Equipment Safety Act) approved.2 100 Nylon pouch with belt loop Tightening torque Nm, adjustment step 0.5 100 7866 4.4 100 100 mm I ) Design Size Article no. Replacement blades for slot-head screws 3.0 100 Nylon pouch with hanging tab and belt loop 1 7860 Replacement blades insulated, other blades request.0 100 7868 5.5 100 4870 Replacement blades for Phillips crosshead screws 11 7872 11 7874 NEW NEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1000.5 100 4876 Replacement blades for Phillips crosshead screws PH 100 4878 PH 100 4880 Replacement blades for Pozidriv crosshead screws PZ 100 4882 PZ 100 4884 5HSODFHPHQWEODGHVIRUFRPELQDWLRQSURÌOH PZ 100 4883 PZ 100 4885 Replacement blades for TORX® T 100 4886 T 100 4888 VDE screwdriver replacement blades, piece set Screwdriver handle two-component design with replacement blade holder, replacement blades generally insulated with bronzed blade tip, with plug-on rotating cap for electronic work, practical nylon pouch with hanging tab and belt loop.0 100 VDE screwdriver handle 6. Replacement blades for slot-head screws 2. Adjustment steps 0.5 1.5 0.5 100 7864 3.8 100 VDE screwdriver handle 5.0 100 4870 4.4 100 100 mm 4.8 100 100 mm 5.02 Nm, the torque read off through transparent scale window.02 Nm, 205 4806 Replacement blades insulated, other blades request. The 2-component handle has replacement blade holder with locking system, replacement blades generally insulated, with bronzed blade tip, including nylon pouch with belt strap.0 0. When the torque is reached clear clicking sound can heard.0 0. Screwdriver handle and replacement blades are insulated 1,000 according IEC 60900 and GS (Equipment Safety Act) approved.0 0