CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
5 10, pocket-sized holder 0596 Voltage tester 100-250 3.21 H S Design Weight External dim L/W/H Intl.0 0.5 1.3 21°, 132 1040 Water pump pliers DIN ISO 8976 with handle sleeves 250 1224 Crimping plier system click ’n’ crimp, electrical engineering 6000 Ball-end hex key set pieces, size 2.4 1864 1000 slot-head screwdriver 185 mm, DIN 60900, 3.5 7702 1000 slot-head screwdriver 185 mm, DIN 60900, 4. dim L/W/H1/H2/H Article no.0 7705 1000 screwdriver mm, DIN 7438 7731 1000 screwdriver 100 mm, DIN 7438 7732 1000 screwdriver 100 mm, DIN 7438 7741 1000 screwdriver 100 mm, DIN 7438 7742 Cable shears DUOCUT, 160 with two-stage cutting area 0108 Pocket saw PROFI, 150 span width 0490 1000 safety cable stripping knife, straight strong blade 1042 Cable stripping knife system 2016 Case equipped 800 410/550/245 0374 Handle with soft rubber insert Strong telescopic pull- out, integrated within the case shell Extra large rolling wheels Document compart- ment with additional pockets Rubberised tool bags Stable feet for secure standing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . The telescopic handle discretely integrated into the bottom shell and does not get the way during normal case transport. Tool case Bomber MEGA-WHEEL Double-walled shells impact-resistant and unbreakable polyethylene, highly temperature and chemical resistant, deep bottom shell with separating ZDOOVIRUËH[LEOHLQWHULRUGLYLVLRQDFFRUGLQJWRLQGLYLGXDOQHHGVUHPRYDEOHERDUGVZLWKLQQRYDWLYHSDWHQWHG)/(;,328&+SRFNHWVIRUVWRULQJWRROVDQG small parts, spacious two-part document compartment, metal cover holder stable both sides, large rollers mm!) with ball bearings for more stability and robustness, rubber bottom-sliders and appropriate recesses the case cover make the case securely stackable. Solid handle for secure grip, strong keylocks. Case empty Weight 8000 410/550/245 370/475/110/75/185 0074 Tool assortment Bomber MEGA-WHEEL Mega-Wheel Master Case 0074 1000 Telephone pliers with straight jaws 200 mm, DIN ISO 5745, single joint 0216 1000 Telephone pliers with bent jaws 200 mm, DIN ISO 5745, single joint 0238 1000 diagonal pliers 160 mm, DIN ISO 5749 single joint 0574 Super wire stripper 0760 Electronic diagonal pliers 1.8 7704 1000 slot-head screwdriver 220 mm, DIN 60900, 5.0 0.0 0. The handle can extended ergonomically comfortable 115 cm.0/60 1280 Precision slot-head screwdriver white 2