CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 194 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
de H S Design Size Article no. TÜV 3-component club hammer and cross peen hammer Mechanical blocking the hammer head with steel wedge, sealed with synthetic resin. Peen and cross sanded. Hammer weight g 200 0580 300 0582 400 0584 500 0586 1000 0592 Safety club hammer according DIN 6475/1193, other processing above Hammer weight g 1000 0600 1250 0602 1500 0604 Cross peen hammer DFFRUGLQJWR',1*6FHUWLÌHGZLWKSROLVKHGFXUYHGKLFNRU\VKDIWKDPPHUKHDGVHFXUHGE\ULQJZHGJH Hammer weight g 300 0804 500 0808 Club hammer DFFRUGLQJWR',1*6FHUWLÌHGZLWKSROLVKHGFXUYHGKLFNRU\VKDIWKDPPHUKHDGVHFXUHGE\ULQJZHGJH Hammer weight g 1000 0880 1250 0882 Plastic hammer ZLWKLQWHUFKDQJHDEOH&HOOLGRULQVHUWVIRUKDPPHULQJRXWDQGËDWWHQLQJPHWDOVKHHWVDQGIUDPHVRUIRUXVHZLWK sensitive surfaces (paint, enamel, galvanisation, chrome-plating) Head 1053 .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 194 Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191/3718-01, Fax: 02191/3718-85, E-Mail: bestellung@cimco. With double curved hickory shaft, hammer head double secured tapered collar and synthetic resin seal. 6HFXULW\VKDIWPDGHRIFRPSRQHQWVZLWKHUJRQRPLFDOO\VKDSHGKDQGOH&RUHPDGHRIÌEUHJODVVUHLQIRUFHGSODVWLF coated with comfortable anti-slip and anti-vibration handle the additional rubberised handle surface provides a secure grip even with wet oily hands. Cross peen hammer according DIN 1041/1193 Hammer weight g 300 0403 500 0405 1000 0410 Club hammer according DIN 6475/1193 Hammer weight g 800 0708 1000 0710 1250 0712 1500 0715 Safety cross peen hammer 'LPHQVLRQVDQGÌQLVKFHUWLÌHGDFFRUGLQJWR*6',1 With protective shaft collar and additional nylon protective shaft sleeve